
Le 20 octobre 1998 / October 20, 1998
JAMC 1998; 159(8)
© 1998 Association médicale canadienne / Canadian Medical Association
Dans ce
numéro · In this issue
906 |
Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef
Selon les média et les statistiques, la violence verbale et physique à l'égard des médecins est à la hausse. L'article vedette de ce numéro (page 987), explique comment les médecins peuvent prévenir et gérer la violence. |
910 |
Nouvelles et analyses · News and analysis
917 |
Correspondance · Letters
Directives aux correspondants / Instructions to correspondents
- Reforming fee-for-service medicine, P. Cary
- So where does our duty to warn stop?, G. Mersereau
- Lessons about racism, W.M. Goldberg; V. Kamble
- Debating the benefits of home care, J.E. Mullens; response: S.M. MacLeod
- Considering patient autonomy, R. Bayne
- Placing the ads, J. Lexchin; response: J. Hoey
- Talking about HIV, D. Keystone
- The fatigue of cancer, B. Eaton; P.J. Potter
- Our worst public health evil, W. McCormick; response: J. Hoey
- A new approach to suicide, A.D. Milliken
Études · Evidence |
926 |
Coronary artery bypass grafting in Canada: hospital mortality rates, 19921995, W.A. Ghali, H. Quan, R. Brant [abstract / résumé] |
931 |
Cost-effectiveness of low-molecular-weight heparin and unfractionated heparin in treatment of deep vein thrombosis, M. Rodger, C. Bredeson, P.S. Wells, J. Beck, B. Kearns, L.B. Huebsch [abstract / résumé] |
942 |
Routine prenatal screening for HIV in a low-prevalence setting, D.M. Patrick, D.M. Money, J. Forbes, S.R.M. Dobson, M.L. Rekart, D.A. Cook, P.J. Middleton, D.R. Burdge [abstract / résumé] |
Éditoriaux · Editorials |
949 |
Practice variations, chance and quality of care, J.M. Brophy, L. Joseph [full text] |
953 |
The CMA's Health Information Privacy Code: Does it go too far?, J. Hoey [full text] |
955 |
Constraints of interest: lessons at the Hospital for Sick Children, R.A. Phillips, J. Hoey [full text] |
· Education |
960 |
Bioethics for clinicians: 17. Conflict of interest in research, education and patient care, T. Lemmens, P.A. Singer [full text / résumé] |
968 |
Prostate cancer: 4. Screening, F. Meyer, Y. Fradet [full text] |
973 |
New guidelines for the management of diabetes: a physician's guide, S. Harris, S.J. Meltzer, B. Zinman, on behalf of the Steering Committee for the Revision of the Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Diabetes in Canada [full text] |
· Experience |
979 |
Bearing witness, D.E. Haswell |
Santé publique
· Public health |
981 |
Preparing for the flu season, National Advisory Committee on Immunization [full text]
Préparatifs en vue de la saison grippale, la Comité consultatif national de l'immunisation [texte complet]
· Features |
983 |
Legal issues surrounding privately funded research cause furore in Toronto, M. Shuchman [in brief / en bref] |
987 |
Physician, protect thyself, B. Sibbald [full text / en bref] |
990 |
Deinsurance worries help drive development of standards for psychotherapy, K. Cottrell |
991 |
A Rock in a hard place, C. Gray [full text / en bref] |
ISSN 0820-3946 159(8) 901-1064 (1998)
