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CMAJ - October 20, 1998JAMC - le 20 octobre 1998

1998 clinical practice guidelines for the management of diabetes in Canada

Sara Meltzer, MD; Lawrence Leiter, MD; Denis Daneman, MD; Hertzel C. Gerstein, MD, MSc; David Lau, MD, PhD; Sora Ludwig, MD; Jean-François Yale, MD; Bernard Zinman, MD; Donna Lillie, RN, BA; Steering and Expert Committees*

Supplement to CMAJ 1998;159 (8 Suppl)

Dr. Meltzer is at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, Que.; Dr. Leiter is at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Ont.; Dr. Daneman is at The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ont.; Dr. Gerstein is with the Hamilton Health Sciences Corp., Hamilton, Ont.; Dr. Lau is at the Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ont.; Dr. Ludwig is at St. Boniface General Hospital, Winnipeg, Man.; Dr. Yale is at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, Que.; Dr. Zinman is at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ont.; and Ms. Lillie is with the Canadian Diabetes Association, Toronto, Ont.

Members of the Steering and Expert Committee

These guidelines have been peer reviewed.

Correspondence to: Donna Lillie, Canadian Diabetes Association, National Office, 15 Toronto St., Toronto ON  M5C 2E3

This supplement is available in portable document format (pdf).

© 1998 Canadian Medical Association

See also:
Table of Contents

*Steering Committee co-chairs: Sara Meltzer, MD and Lawrence Leiter, MD. Subcommittee chairs: Denis Daneman, MD (Definition, Classification and Screening); David Lau, MD, PhD (Complications co-chair); Jean-François Yale, MD (Management); Hertzel C. Gerstein, MD, MSc (Evidence-Based); Sora Ludwig, MD (Organization of Care); and Bernard Zinman, MD (Complications co-chair). Steering Committee members: Keith Dawson, MD, PhD; Jana Havrankova, MD; Beverley Madrick, RD, CDE; Meng-Hee Tan, MD; Stewart Harris, MD, MPH; Donna Lillie, RN, BA; Beryl Schultz, RN, CDE. Expert Committee members: Irwin N. Antone, MD; Iain Begg, MB; Andre Belanger, MD, MSc; Timothy Benstead, MDC; Claude Catellier, MD; Keith Dawson, MD, PhD; Heather Dean, MD; Peggy Dunbar, MEd, PDt, CDE; Lynn Edwards, PDt, CDE; Jean-Marie Ekoe, MD; François Gilbert, MD; Jana Havrankova, MD; Stewart Harris, MD, MPH; Anne Holbrook, MD, MSc, PharmD; Dereck Hunt, MD; Carol Joyce, MD; Jeff Mahon, MD; Errol Marliss, MD; James McSherry, MD; Graydon Meneilly, MD; Stuart Ross, MD; Edmond A. Ryan, MD; Andrew Steele, MDC; Catharine Whiteside, MD, PhD; Thomas Wolever, MD, PhD