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le 11 janvier 2000 / January 11, 2000

JAMC 2000; 162(1)

© 2000 Association médicale canadienne / Canadian Medical Association

Dans ce numéro · In this issue

    Communiqué de presse
    Sujets d'intérêt

  Éditoriaux · Editorials
5 Food irradiation: Let's do it [HTML / PDF]
7 L'irradiation des aliments : Allons-y [HTML / PDF]

Couverture :
Les personnes qui se révèlent incapables de tracer sur une horloge la position des aiguilles indiquant 10 h 50 pourraient être atteintes de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Dans ce numéro, David Munoz et Howard Feldman passent en revue les facteurs de risque de cette maladie (page 65).

A test for Alzheimer's disease

11 Correspondance · Letters [HTML / PDF]
Directives aux correspondants
  • Diabetes in Aboriginal populations
  • Anticoagulant prophylaxis against stroke
  • Reference-based pricing
  • Furbies
  • Treating TB
  • Corrections

  Recherche · Research
21 HIV infection and risk behaviours among young gay and bisexual men in Vancouver
S.A. Strathdee et al
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
29 Development, dissemination, implementation and evaluation of a clinical pathway for oxygen therapy
C. Wong et al
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
37 A quantitative ranking of Canada's research output of original human studies for the decade 1989 to 1998
R.E. Gagnon et al
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

  Exposé de recherche · Research Letter
45 Hypertension, self-perceived health status and use of primary care services
M.M. Finkelstein
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

  Commentaire · Commentary
47 Stroke thrombolysis: Is tissue plasminogen activator a defibrillator for the brain?
A.M. Buchan, T.E. Feasby
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
51 Beyond polemic
K. Rockwood
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
52 HIV: the millennium bug
B.C. Willoughby
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

  Synthèse ·Review
57 Tuberculosis: 12. Global disease and the role of international collaboration
D.A. Enarson
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
65 Causes of Alzheimer's disease
D.G. Munoz, H. Feldman
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
77 Erythema ab igne: an old condition new again
S. Tan, V. Bertucci
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
79 Managing neuropsychiatric disease with transcranial magnetic stimulation
G. Hasey et al
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
83 Reason for hope: the advent of disease-modifying therapies in multiple sclerosis
P.W. O'Connor
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
85 Inhaled nitric oxide for hypoxemic respiratory failure: Passing bad gas?
N.D. Ferguson, J.T. Granton
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

87 De l'Oreille Gauche · The Left Atrium [HTML / PDF]
  • Beyond theory (book review by C. Ells)
  • Fable of a beekeeper by A. Lupin
  • Colombia's humanitarian crisis

91 Nouvelles et analyses · News and analysis [HTML / PDF]
  • Poor penmanhip costs MD $225 000
  • It's a seller's market for Quebec's residents
  • Auditor general slams feds' response to Salmonella outbreak
  • NEJM editor reflects on his firing
  • Open med-school doors wider: report
  • Australia eyeing Canada's rural MDs
  • Banting featured on millennium stamp
  • Detecting hep C for $1.5 million a case
  • On the Net: Outfitting a medical office online
  • Canadians attract $17 million in xenotransplant funding
  • Pulse: Caring for sick a strain on families
  • Pediatric hospitals scrambling in wake of nursing shortage
  • Research Update: A shot in the arm for shock to the heart
  • An ACE inhibitor in the hole for cardiovascular prevention
  • Thalidomide is back
  • Cold hands? Warm gel
  • Mad cow disease factory in lymph nodes
101 MD $200 000 richer after damning court judgement
P. Sullivan
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
102 What? A leading scientist immigrating to Canada?
C. Gray
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

175 Nécrologie · Deaths

  Gens de cœur · Heart and Soul
176 Fighting for fairness for the strangers at the gate
A. Silversides
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

Santé Canada · Health Canada
Dans le Bulletin canadien sur les effets indésirables des médicaments :
  • Cisapride (PrepulsidMD) : interactions
  • Pémoline (CylertMD) : retrait du marché
  • Bupropion (ZybanMD) : mise à jour
  • Communiqué
  • Médicaments d'intérêt courant
    (Liens vers le site web de Santé Canada)