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le 15 mai 2001 / May 15, 2001

JAMC 2001; 164(10)
Highlights of this issue
Éditorial Editorial |
1397 |
Marijuana: federal smoke clears, a little
PDF] |
1399 |
Marijuana : la fumée se dissipe un peu à l'échelon fédéral
PDF] |

Recherche Research |
1413 |
Prevention of influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia in Canadian long-term care facilities: How are we doing?
C.G. Stevenson, M.A. McArthur, M. Naus, E. Abraham, A.J. McGeer
PDF] |
1423 |
Influenza vaccination in Alberta long-term care facilities
M.L. Russell
PDF] |
1431 |
A case study of hospital closure and centralization of coronary revascularization procedures
B.R. Hemmelgarn, W.A. Ghali,
H. Quan
PDF] |
1439 |
Baseline staging tests in primary breast cancer: a practice guideline
R.E. Myers, M. Johnston, K. Pritchard, M. Levine, T. Oliver, and the Breast Cancer Disease Site Group of the Cancer Care Ontario Practice Guidelines
PDF] |
Commentaire Commentary |
1447 |
Semmelweis revisited: the ethics of infection prevention among health care workers
E. Rea, R. Upshur
PDF] |
1449 |
Lifestyle drugs: issues for debate
J. Lexchin
PDF] |
1452 |
Neonatal subgaleal hemorrhage: diagnosis and management
D.J. Davis
PDF] |
1454 |
Chickenpox vaccination, not chickenpox, should be routine for Canadian children
B.J. Law
PDF] |
Synthèse Review |
1459 |
Rheumatology: 13. Minimizing disability in patients with low-back pain
P.C. Wing
PDF] |
1471 |
De l'oreille gauche The Left Atrium [HTML] |
- M.A. MacKenzie reviews Heather Robertson's Meeting Death [PDF]
- G.H. Brieger reviews Gerald Hart's Asclepius [PDF]
- Dalhousie medical students take an artful look at
attention deficit [PDF]
- R. Ruskin remembers a man in a johnny shirt [PDF]
- Learning the hard way [PDF]
1477 |
Nouvelles News |
- Cuba trains American medical students to work in US [HTML / PDF]
- Canadian MDs oppose US missile shield plan [HTML / PDF]
- Global warming: dire warning [HTML / PDF]
- Toxic-substance testing needs $50-million boost, report says [HTML / PDF]
- Canada "behind eight ball" in fighting youth smoking [HTML / PDF]
- Edmonton scoops foreign-trained nurses [HTML / PDF]
- A cigarette pack that talks the talk [HTML / PDF]
Pulse: Prevalence of migraine headache in Canada [HTML / PDF]
Acute care revolution on way in Saskatchewan? [HTML / PDF]
New blood donor restrictions on visitors to France [HTML / PDF]
Will Bush's America draw doctors south? [HTML / PDF]
Queen's oncologist gives $3.8 million to alma mater [HTML / PDF]
On the Net: MDs' "No Nukes" movement moves online [HTML / PDF]
Canada ranks in middle in child-injury mortality rate, report indicates [HTML / PDF]
Nasal dilators have no impact in sport: Study [HTML / PDF]
Clinical Update: Varicella vaccine in clinical practice [HTML / PDF]
Public Health: Illiteracy as a public health issue [HTML / PDF] |