Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne Page d'accueil  

le 24 juillet 2001 / July 24, 2001

CMAJ  2001 :165(2)

De 10 % à 20 % des enfants d'âge scolaire éprouvent des douleurs musculo-squelettiques. Dans le dernier article de la série du JAMC sur la rhumatologie, Peter Malleson et Richard Beauchamp offrent des conseils sur la façon de diagnostiquer et de traiter les douleurs aux membres chez les enfants (page 183).

Highlights of this issue


   •  Éditorial
   •  Correspondance
   •  Recherche
   •  Commentaire
   •  Synthèse
   •  De l'oreille gauche
   •  Nouvelles
   •  Nécrologie
   •  Gens de cœur





  Éditorial • Editorial
141 Time to weed the CPG garden
143 Le moment est venu de désherber le jardin des guides de pratique

147 Correspondance • Letters
Directives aux correspondants
  • Physician, know thy limits — R. Sender [HTML / PDF]; S. Workman [HTML / PDF]
  • Do women treated for breast cancer at teaching hospitals really fare better — R.E. Myers [HTML / PDF]; T.J. Muckle [HTML / PDF]; P. Barron [HTML / PDF]; P. Willard [HTML / PDF]; R.J. Fingerote [HTML / PDF]; B.P. Higgins [HTML / PDF]; response: R. Chaudhry, V. Goel, C. Sawka [HTML / PDF]
  • Raloxifene: handle with care — K.I. Pritchard, M. Levine, B. Walley [HTML / PDF]
  • Nonclinical factors in patient selection for surgery — A. Mariotto [HTML / PDF]
  • Lifestyle drugs — A.R. Miller [HTML / PDF]

  Rechèrche • Research
157 What is the quality of drug therapy clinical practice guidelines in Canada?
I.D. Graham, S. Beardall, A.O. Carter, J. Glennie, P.C. Hébert, J.M. Tetroe, et al
166 Clinical practice guidelines for the care and treatment of breast cancer: 13. Sentinel lymph node biopsy
J. Cantin, H. Scarth, M. Levine, M. Hugi, for the Steering Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Care and Treatment of Breast Cancer
  Guides de pratique clinique pour la prise en charge et le traitement du cancer du sein : 13. La biopsie du ganglion lymphatique sentinelle
Jacques Cantin, Hugh Scarth, Mark Levine et Maria Hugi, pour le Comité directeur des guides de pratique clinique pour la prise en charge et le traitement du cancer du sein
174 Does how you do depend on how you think you'll do? A systematic review of the evidence for a relation between patients' recovery expectations and health outcomes
M.V. Mondloch, D.C. Cole, J.W. Frank

  Commentaire • Commentary
180 Further disquiet on the guidelines front
S.J. Lewis
181 Promoting effective guideline use in Ontario
W.W. Rosser, D. Davis, E. Gilbart, on behalf of the Guideline Advisory Committee

  Synthèse • Review
183 Rheumatology: 16. Diagnosing musculoskeletal pain in children
P.N. Malleson, R.D. Beauchamp
189 Bioethics for clinicians: 27. Catholic bioethics
H.J. Markwell, B.F. Brown

193 De l'oreille gauche • The Left Atrium [HTML]
  • Berries for brains (book review by J. Mendes) [PDF]
  • S. Pinker questions the ethics of consent [PDF]
  • Emily Carr's doctor [PDF]
  • Pharmaceutical adbusting [PDF]

199 Nouvelles • News
  • Test for early detection of BSE, vCJD on horizon? [HTML / PDF]
  • Beware of DTC ads [HTML / PDF]
  • Give us your unsubstantiated, your irreproducible ... [HTML / PDF]
  • Don't panic, it's organic: dispute over natural health products regulations continues [HTML / PDF]
  • No public voice in genetics research? [HTML / PDF]
  • Family medicine remains unpopular with med students [HTML / PDF]
  • New manifesto a "bill of rights" for patients in pain [HTML / PDF]
  • Suicide prevention should be crucial public health priority, US surgeon general says [HTML / PDF]
  • BC's Liberals promise a revolution, with health care one of the targets [HTML / PDF]
  • New York cracks down on cell-phone use in car [HTML / PDF]
  • Toxic info for smokers [HTML / PDF]
  • Give us a seat at the primary care table, pharmacists ask [HTML / PDF]
  • On the Net: Putting a human face on neurologic illness [HTML / PDF]
  • In an increasingly daunting legal world, the CMPA turns 100 [HTML / PDF]
  • Pulse: AIDS in Canada: the 20th anniversary approaches [HTML / PDF]
  • Public Health: Methylmercury exposure: fishing for answers [HTML / PDF]
  • Preventive Health Care: Colorectal cancer screening [HTML / PDF]

255 Nécrologie • Deaths


  Gens de cœur • Heart & Soul
256 Public's ignorance of sun's impact gets under MD's skin
H. Kent


Droit d'auteur 2001 Association médicale canadienne ou ses concédants