Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne Page d'accueil  
le 7 août 2001
le 7 août 2001 / August 7, 2001

CMAJ  2001 :165(3)

Chaque année, quelque 18 000 patients sont hospitalisés à cause de traumatismes cérébraux au Canada. Dans ce numéro, William Pickett et ses collaborateurs analysent les traumatismes crâniens fermés traités dans les services d'urgence de Kingston (Ontario) et discutent des principales causes externes de traumatisme cérébral éventuel dans divers groupes d'âge (page 288).

Highlights of this issue


   •  Éditorial
   •  Correspondance
   •  Recherche
   •  Commentaire
   •  Synthèse
   •  De l'oreille gauche
   •  Nouvelles
   •  Nécrologie
   •  Gens de cœur





  Éditorial • Editorial
261 Breast cross-examination
263 Contre-interrogatoire contre l'examen des seins

269 Correspondance • Letters
Directives aux correspondants
  • Debating the criteria for brain death — M. Potts [HTML / PDF]; D.J. Doyle [HTML / PDF]; D.W. Evans [HTML / PDF]
  • Be careful with the term "bone loss" — M.G. Donaldson, et al [HTML / PDF]
  • The error of our ways — M.E. Aubrey [HTML / PDF]; response: P.C. Hébert, et al [HTML / PDF]
  • Take a lesson from the drug companies — D. Roth [HTML / PDF]
  • Choosing family medicine — C. Stevenson [HTML / PDF]; G.R. Hamilton [HTML / PDF]
  • Hand-held brain extenders — G. Greenfield [HTML / PDF]; response: M. Greiver [HTML / PDF]

  Rechèrche • Research
277 Waiting times from abnormal breast screen to diagnosis in 7 Canadian provinces
I.A. Olivotto, C. Bancej, V. Goel, J. Snider, R.G. McAuley, B. Irvine, L. Kan, D. Mirsky, M.J. Sabine, R. McGilly, J.S. Caines
284 Quality of congestive heart failure treatment at a Canadian teaching hospital
E. Weil, J.V. Tu
288 A population-based study of potential brain injuries requiring emergency care
W. Pickett, C. Ardern, R.J. Brison
293 Past infection with hepatitis A virus among Vancouver street youth, injection drug users and men who have sex with men: implications for vaccination programs
J.J. Ochnio, D. Patrick, M. Ho, D.N. Talling, S.R. Dobson
  Exposé de recherche • Research Letter
301 Physicians' perceptions of the benefits and risks of warfarin for patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation
T.J. Bungard, W.A. Ghali, F.A. McAlister, A.M. Buchan, A.J. Cave, P.G. Hamilton, L.B. Mitchell, A. Shuaib, K.K. Teo, R.T. Tsuyuki

  Commentaire • Commentary
303 Breast cancer diagnosis: What are we waiting for?
P. Rasuli
305 Management of congestive heart failure: How well are we doing?
N. Giannetti
307 The privacy paradox: laying Orwell's ghost to rest
R.E.G. Upshur, B. Morin, V. Goel

  Synthèse • Review
311 Update on intravenous tissue plasminogen activator for acute stroke: from clinical trials to clinical practice
D.J. Gladstone, S.E. Black

319 De l'oreille gauche • The Left Atrium [HTML]
  • A few false notes (M.A. Mullen reviews Margaret Somerville's The Ethical Canary) [PDF]
  • (No) Vacancy at the Art Gallery of Hamilton (review by S. Telenko) [PDF]
  • ADD in dramatic monologue (poem by J. Foster) [PDF]

325 Nouvelles • News
  • Not even the Canada Health Act is sacred, vows Romanow [HTML / PDF]
  • You bet your life: e-gambling threat worries addiction experts [HTML / PDF]
  • Many issues loom for CMA's new president [HTML / PDF]
  • On the Net: Carpal tunnel syndrome and computers [HTML / PDF]
  • Raccoon rabies secures 2 bridgeheads in Canada [HTML / PDF]
  • Walk-out averted in Nova Scotia [HTML / PDF]
  • Will new NS law lead to bidding wars for MDs? [HTML / PDF]
  • Pulse: Drugs taking bigger bite of health care pie [HTML / PDF]
  • Emergency contraceptive pill hits Ontario market [HTML / PDF]
  • High time for compassionate approval of pot: expert [HTML / PDF]
  • A primer for patients' use of medicinal marijuana [HTML / PDF]
  • Clinical Update: Beta-blockers in severe congestive heart failure [HTML / PDF]
  • Public Health: Sunlight exposure and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma [HTML / PDF]

383 Nécrologie • Deaths


  Gens de cœur • Heart & Soul
384 "Death is death whether it occurs on the end of a bullet or giving birth."
D. Moulton

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