
Holiday Review 2001 Call for Papers

Does the only writing you get to do these days involve patients’ charts or grant applications? Here's a chance to give your writing muscles a different kind of workout.
We're looking for spoofs of medical research, reflective essays on life and tales of medical adventure (or misadventure) for our 2001 Holiday Review. For inspiration, click on Back Issues and go to the December issues for 1998, 1999 and 2000. Last year, for example, we published a report on the psychiatric problems facing Winnie T. Pooh and colleagues.
This year, we plan to sprinkle a variety of tidbits throughout the issue, and we need your help. Send us
- a letter to the editor that could find a home nowhere but the Holiday Review
- a postcard from the place where you live, with an anecdote about your practice on the back
- an original cartoon inspired by your medical career
- a photograph of a day in the life of your office, hospital or clinic (you'll need to get signed consent from any people in the photo)
- an obscure quotation on a holiday theme
- the title of the book you would bring with you if you were admitted to hospital, and the reason why you made this selection
- instructions on how someone in your medical specialty should approach the task of preparing, cooking and carving the holiday bird. The prize: the glory of publishing a winning entry in the first (and probably only) CMAJ Talk Turkey contest.
To discuss an idea for the Holiday Review issue, contact the Editor, Dr. John Hoey (tel 800 663-7336 ×2118; hoeyj@cma.ca) or the News Editor, Pat Sullivan (800 663-7336 ×2126; sullip@cma.ca). Articles should be no more than 1200 words, and illustrations are encouraged. Submissions received by Oct. 1, 2001, are more likely to be published.