Canadian Medical Association Journal /
Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

November 15, 1996 / Le 15 novembre 1996

CMAJ 1996; 155 (10)

Contents / Table des matières

Editor's Page / Page du rédacteur
1383 - Perspectives on public health; Perspectives sur la santé publique, J. Hoey

1387 - Letters / Correspondance [Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]

Clinical Practice Guidelines / Guides de pratique clinique
1399 - Recommendations for reducing the effect of grain dust on the lungs, M. Becklake, I. Broder, M. Chan-Yeung, J.A.H. Dosman, P. Ernst, F.A. Herbert, S.M. Kennedy, C.P.W. Warren, for the Canadian Thoracic Society Standards Committee [full text / résumé]

Original Research / Nouveautés en recherche
1407 - Outbreak of measles in a highly vaccinated secondary school population, P.A. Sutcliffe, E. Rea [abstract / résumé]

Case Reports / Études de cas
1417 - Fatal asphyxiations in children involving drawstrings on clothing, J. Petruk, E. Shields, G.E. Cummings, L.H. Francescutti [full text / résumé]

Editorials / Éditoriaux
1423 - Elimination of measles in the Americas, J. Furesz [full text / résumé]
1427 - Evidence, editorials, education and experience, J. Hoey, P. Huston [full text]
1428 - Études, éditoriaux, éducation et expérience, J. Hoey, P. Huston [texte complet]
1429 - Childhood injury prevention: time for tougher measures, I.B. Pless [full text / résumé]

Ethical Issues / Éthique et déontologie
1435 - Bioethics for clinicians: 5. Substitute decision-making, N.M. Lazar, G.G. Greiner, G. Robertson, P.A. Singer [full text / résumé]

Public Health Report / Rapport sur la santé publique
1439 - Pertussis, G. Evans, N. Radisch, M. McReynolds, A. Shepherd [abstract]
1440 - Coqueluche, G. Evans, N. Radisch, M. McReynolds, A. Shepherd [résumé]

Science in Medicine / Science médicale
1443 - Annals of conflicting results: looking back on electromagnetic field research, Deborah Schoen [abstract / résumé]

Image of the Profession / L'image de la profession
1447 - Dr. Freud; Le Dr Freud, W.D. Seufert

1459 - International Digest

1461 - Sélection internationale

1467 - At a Glance / Aperçu

1469 - Special Report / Document
Physicians who keep lax records put careers in danger, college course warns, D. Kramer [in brief / en bref]

1473 - Health Care / Les Soins
National Forum on Health expects action on its soon-to-be-released report, N. Robb [in brief / en bref]

1475 - Medical Practice / Pratique médicale
Debate about placebos points to issue surrounded by many shades of grey, N. Baer [in brief / en bref]

1477 - Medical Practice / Pratique médicale
BCMA becomes first Canadian medical group to form Committee on Violence, E. LeBourdais [in brief / en bref]

1482 - Deaths / Avis de décès

1483 - Ethics / Éthique
Sensitive and controversial ethical issues subject of groundbreaking Toronto exhibit, G. Kezwer, D. Kramer [in brief / en bref]

1487 - Capital Accounts / Nouvelles de la capitale
NHS reforms reduce length of waiting lists but create widespread unease, C. Gray [in brief / en bref]

1489 - Meetings / Rencontres
Should prisons ease drug prohibition to help reduce disease spread?, H. Kent [in brief / en bref]

1492 - International Medicine / Médecine internationale
Global immunization: Is a child's life worth $15?, E. Ragan [full text]

1398 - Conferences / Conférences

1451 - Books and Other Media / Livres et autres documents

1465 - Directory of CMA Contacts

1466 - Répertoire des personnes-ressources de l'AMC

1495 - Therapeutic Index / Index thérapeutique

1524 - Service Information / Renseignements aux lecteurs

1525 - Classified Advertising / Annonces classées

1536 - Advertisers' Index / Index des annonceurs

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