Fishing expeditions in doctors' offices
CMAJ 1997;157:372
Re: "From Hippocrates to facsimile: protecting patient confidentiality is more difficult and more important than ever before," CMAJ 1997;156:847-52 [abstract / résumé] by Daniel Dodek and Dr. Arthur Dodek
In response to: G.T.Riley
Dr. Riley has raised an interesting point concerning potential "fishing expeditions." We raised the same concern in our article by suggesting that physicians ask patients if there is any information they want omitted from the written record or not released as part of a general request for all medical information.
However, the point is that, instead of a general release of the entire medical record, patients should provide consent concerning the release of specific information. Riley's point is well taken.
Daniel Dodek, BSc
Medical student
University of British Columbia
Arthur Dodek, MD
Vancouver, BC
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