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Canadian Medical Association Journal
CMAJ - May 19, 1998 JAMC - le 19 mai 1998

"Support groups" by another name

CMAJ 1998;158:1266

See response from: T.A. Hutchinson
The excellent overview of the principles of palliative care in "Death: A rewarding experience?" (CMAJ 1997;157[12]:1687-8 [full text]), by Drs. Tom A. Hutchinson and John F. Seely, is much appreciated. I agree that the attitude of physicians needs to undergo a major paradigm shift if we are to deal with some of the weighty issues surrounding death.

I also have good news for Hutchinson and Seely. Support groups for people with chronic illnesses other than alcoholism already exist: they are called churches.

William D. Gutowski, MD
Chilliwack, BC

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