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Canadian Medical Association Journal
CMAJ - May 19, 1998 JAMC - le 19 mai 1998

"Support groups" by another name

CMAJ 1998;158:1266

In response to: W.D. Gutowski
We agree that churches are an excellent source of support for those with chronic illnesses. The problem is that the specificity of the beliefs required in various churches may make it difficult for some people to join. That is why we alluded to Alcoholics Anonymous as a model, since it and similar support groups (such as Alanon and ACOA [Adult Children of Alcoholics]) incorporate spiritual belief in a "higher power" without any dogma about what the nature of that higher power might be — each person chooses his or her own. We believe that this approach may be more effective and acceptable in the secular age in which we live.

Tom A. Hutchinson, MB
Department of Medicine
McGill University
Montreal, Que.

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