May 19, 1998 / le 19 mai 1998
CMAJ 1998; 158(10)
© 1998 Canadian Medical Association / Association
médicale canadienne
In this issue · Dans ce
1263 |
Research Update · Le point sur la recherche
- This little piggy went to market, this one went for an MRI...
- In the news...
- Strain of antibiotic-resistant enterococci sweeps Boston
- Human cells eat their dead
1265 |
Letters · Correspondance
Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants
- Internet access, G. E. Stiles; response: W. Lampitt
- The stigma facing drug abusers impedes treatment, R. Hajela
- "Support groups" by another name, W.D. Gutowski; response: T.A. Hutchinson
- The risk is in the transfusion, not the donation, G. Sher; response: P. Sullivan
- Letting the public know, G.M. Anderson; response: B. Taylor; W.J.S. Marshall
- Rural medicine: real action needed, P. Hutten-Czapski; D.P. O'Neil; response: D.G. Moores et al
- Complementary medicine in the hospital, P.C.S. Hoaken
- Dr. McCrae's expensive war medals, A.A. Horn
- Increase in Alzheimer's disease: Artifact or real?, P. Rutter; response: S. Gauthier
- Guidelines for antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection [Correction]
Patients at risk for inherited disease need support from their physicians before and after genetic testing. In part 14 of the "Bioethics for clinicians" series, Dr. Michael Burgess and colleagues discuss the ethics of genetics in medicine, with particular emphasis on appropriate counselling
(page 1309).
Couverture :
Les patients à risque de maladies héréditaires ont besoin de l'appui de leur médecin avant et après les tests génétiques. Dans la quatorzième partie de notre série «Bioéthique à l'intention des cliniciens», le Dr Michael Burgess et ses collègues discutent de l'éthique de la génétique en médecine et mettent l'accent particulièrement sur l'importance d'un counselling approprié (page 1309).
Evidence · Études |
1275 |
How many physicians does Canada need to care for our aging population?, N.P. Roos, J.E. Bradley, R. Fransoo, M. Shanahan [abstract / résumé]
1289 |
The need for acute, subacute and nonacute care at 105 general hospital sites in Ontario, V.F. Flintoft, J.I. Williams, R.C. Williams, A.S.H. Basinski, P. Blackstien-Hirsch, C.D. Naylor, on behalf of the Joint Policy and Planning Committee Non-Acute Hospitalization Project Working Group [abstract / résumé]
· Éditoriaux |
1301 |
Child abuse: a community problem, H.L. MacMillan [full text]
1303 |
Ethics in clinical research: searching for absolutes, K.S. Joseph [full text]
· Éducation |
1309 |
Bioethics for clinicians: 14. Ethics and genetics in medicine, M.M. Burgess, C.M. Laberge, B.M. Knoppers [full text / résumé]
1317 |
Improving the accuracy of death certification, K.A. Myers, D.R.E. Farquhar [full text / résumé]
1327 |
Unconventional therapies for cancer: 4. Hydrazine sulfate, E. Kaegi on behalf of the Task Force on Alternative Therapies of the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative [full text]
health · Santé publique |
1335 |
The disease that "bites the heart and licks the joints" [full text]
1336 |
La maladie qui «mord le cur et lèche les articulations» [text complet]
· Chroniques |
1339 |
Protect-your-prostate message delivered on Parliament Hill, C. Gray [full text / en bref]
1341 |
Canada produces its first MD specializing in telemedicine, L. Osorio [full text / en bref]
1345 |
Infertility treatment: lack of consensus plagues an unregulated field, M. Easton [in brief / en bref]
1349 |
Fibre-optic links eliminate distances separating specialists, patients, J. Lyttle [in brief / en bref]
1351 |
Fallout from the plague years: multiple loss and its impact on gay men, A. Silversides [full text / en bref]
1355 |
and other media · Livres et autres documents |
Resources · Ressources
1358 |
Conferences ·
1362 |
index · Index des annonceurs |
1362 |
index · Index de l'information sur les
ordonnances |
1391 |
information · Renseignements aux lecteurs |
1392 |
advertising · Annonces classées |
Writing for CMAJ · Écrire pour le JAMC |
ISSN 0820-3946 158(10) 12491408 (1998) |
