February 10, 1998 / Le 10 février 1998
CMAJ 1998; 158 (3)
© 1998 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
In this issue · Dans ce numéro
291 |
News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses
297 |
Letters · Correspondance
[Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]
- Detached doctors, distressed patients, M.E.A. North
- Which Korotkoff sound?, J.G. Ray; response: M.E. Helewa
- Resource allocation and the Code of Ethics, M.A. Baltzan; response: M.F. McKneally
- A less conventional approach to re-entry training, J. McSherry
- Annual visits to GPs by elderly patients, M.M. Finkelstein; P.P. Wang and E.M. Badley; response: M.W. Rosenberg and E.G. Moore
- Kudos for land-mine ban, M. Cole
- Screening for cervical cancer, E.A. Clarke; response: E. Grunfeld
- A measuring stick for health care, D.I. Atkinson
- BSE, variant CJD and infectious proteins, P.K. Lewin
- Don't forget the male victims of abuse, C. Wiebe
The 1998 CMA annual meeting takes place in Whitehorse, from Sept. 6 to 9. In this issue, Allon Reddoch, the CMA president-elect, discusses the particular problems of practising medicine in the rural north (page 337).
La prochaine assemblée annuelle de l'AMC aura lieu à Whitehorse, du 6 au 9 septembre 1998. Dans ce numéro, Allon Reddoch, président désigné de l'AMC, explique les problèmes particuliers que pose l'exercice de la médecine en région rurale de Nord (page 337)
Evidence · Études |
307 |
Are rural general practitioner - obstetricians performing too many prenatal ultrasound examinations? Evidence from western Labrador, E. Thompson, D. Freake, G. Worrall [abstract / résumé] |
317 |
The British Columbia Positive Women's Survey: a detailed profile of 110 HIV-infected women, C.M. Kirkham, D.J. Lobb [abstract / résumé] |
327 |
Invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae infections: serotype distribution and antimicrobial resistance in Canada, 1992-1995, M. Lovgren, J.S. Spika, J.A. Talbot [abstract / résumé] |
Editorials · Éditoriaux |
335 |
"Remembrance and reflection", P.F. Hall [full text] |
337 |
A warm place to practise: meeting the challenges of medicine in the North, A. Reddoch [full text] |
339 |
The new antiretroviral "cocktails": Is the stage set for HIV-positive women to benefit?, S. Walmsley [full text] |
345 |
We may get this horse to water, but will it drink?, N.A. Iscoe [full text] |
347 |
Putting clinical practice guidelines into the hands of cancer patients, N.A. Hagen, B. Whylie [full text] |
Education · Éducation |
351 |
Alberta's Rural Physician Action Plan: an integrated approach to education, recruitment and retention, D.R. Wilson, S.C. Woodhead-Lyons, D.G. Moores [abstract / résumé] |
359 |
Free-standing health care facilities: financial arrangements, quality assurance and a pilot study, J.N. Lavis, J. Lomas, G.M. Anderson, A. Donner, N.A. Iscoe, G. Gold, J. Craighead [abstract / résumé] |
Experience · Expérience |
367 |
Annie, A. Peterkin |
Public health · Santé publique |
369 |
Avian influenza [full text] |
Features · Chroniques |
373 |
Legalize use of marijuana for medical purposes, MDs and patients plead, C. Gray [full text / en bref] |
377 |
Desperately seeking doctors, B. Sibbald [in brief / en bref] |
380 |
Plasma-collection plant has to overcome tainted-blood fallout in search for donors, M. OReilly [in brief / en bref] |
384 |
Frustrated by lack of job opportunities in Canada, MD moves to US space-medicine program, L. Sears Williams [full text / en bref] |
386 |
The Class of '82 nears its career mid-point, M. OReilly |
391 |
Depression often undertreated in HIV/AIDS patients, psychiatrist warns, A. Silversides [full text / en bref] |
Special supplements · Suppléments spéciaux
Clinical practice guidelines for the care and treatment of breast cancer [full text] [portable document format (pdf)]
Guides de pratique clinique pour la prise en charge et le traitement du cancer du sein [texte complet] [format pdf]
Questions and answers on breast cancer: a guide for women and their physicians [full text]
Canadian Breast Cancer Initiative
Questions et réponses sur le cancer du sein: guide à l'intention des femmes et de leurs médecins [texte complet]
Initiative canadienne sur le cancer du sein
394 |
Books and other media · Livres et autres documents
Resources · Ressources
