

September 8, 1998 / le 8 septembre 1998
CMAJ 1998; 159(5)
© 1998 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
In this issue · Dans ce
Prostate cancer raises many questions about "odds": What are the odds of getting it? Is early intervention a better bet than "watchful waiting"? Is androgen ablation worth it? The first article in our new Clinical Basics series interprets the epidemiology and translates it into actual risks (pages 491 and 509).
435 |
News and analysis ˇ Nouvelles et analyses
441 |
Letters ˇ Correspondance
Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants
- Carcinogen-in-a-Can, S. Workman
- Secondhand smoke and cancer: Where's the proof?, D. Ahmad, W.K. Morgan; response: C. Gray
- Evidence for effectiveness of home care, B. Brossart, L. Thompson
- Confidentiality in medical publishing, R. Barnes
- Facing reality, M.H. Gault
- Marathon's success, J.S.W. Aldis
- Understanding Quebec's policy on nursing training, B. Desjardins
- National incidence study of child abuse and neglect, G. Phaneuf, L. Tonmyr
Evidence ˇ Études |
451 |
Ontario Student Drug Use Survey, E.M. Adlaf, F.J. Ivis [abstract / résumé] |
457 |
Relation between severity of Alzheimer's disease and costs of caring, M.J. Hux, B.J. O'Brien, M. Iskedjian, R. Goeree, M. Gagnon, S. Gauthier [abstract / résumé] |
469 |
The antihypertensive efficacy of losartan and amlodipine, T.W. Wilson, Y. Lacourcière, C.C. Barnes, for the Canadian Cozaar Hyzaar Amlodipine Trial Study Group [abstract / résumé] |
Editorials ˇ Éditoriaux |
481 |
Secrecy and the Health Protection Branch, J. Lexchin [full text] |
485 |
Reducing substance abuse: attitudes and approaches, J.S. Millar [full text] |
488 |
Randomized clinical trials of antihypertensive drugs, F.A. McAlister, S. Straus, D. Sackett [full text] |
491 |
Prostate cancer: progress and perplexity, J. Hoey [full text] |
493 |
Controversy |
502 |
So you want to be an editor, J. Hoey, C. Caplan [full text] |
503 |
Patient consent for publication an apology, J. Hoey [full text] |
ˇ Éducation |
Clinical Basics |
509 |
Prostate cancer: 1. The descriptive epidemiology in Canada, I.G. Levy, N.A. Iscoe, L.H. Klotz [full text] |
ˇ Expérience |
517 |
Ascending the Magic Mountain, R. Bayne [full text] |
Public health
ˇ Santé publique |
519 |
Chronic fatigue syndrome or just plain tired?, C. Caplan [full text] |
ˇ Chroniques |
521 |
Anemic loonie begins to affect health care sector, A. Mullens [full text] |
523 |
Results from CMA's huge 1998 physician survey point to a dispirited profession, P. Sullivan, L. Buske [full text] |
533 |
Chronic fatigue syndrome gets court's nod of approval as legitimate disorder, K. Capen [full text] |
537 |
Chronic fatigue syndrome comes out of the closet, B. Sibbald [full text] |
543 |
Offshore energy boom providing opportunities outside medicare's umbrella, N. Robb [full text] |
551 |
New private facility woos public dollars in Calgary, R. Cairney [full text] |
553 |
Rising tuition fees a nightmare for many medical students, B. Sibbald [full text] |
556 |
A most delicate job: terminating the physicianpatient relationship, D. Grant |
557 |
Phoney-physician furore leads to massive credentials check, B. Sibbald [full text] |
ISSN 0820-3946 159(5) 425-632 (1998)
