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September 22, 1998 / le 22 septembre 1998

CMAJ 1998; 159(6)

© 1998 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

In this issue · Dans ce numéro

    Press release

Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef

This issue offers an evidence-based tool to assess psychosocial health in pregnancy (page 677), a study of the psychological effects of maternal serum screening (page 651) and an editorial calling for more research on the true benefits of prenatal nutrition (page 663).

Psychosocial health in pregnancy

643 News and analysis ˇ Nouvelles et analyses
647 Letters ˇ Correspondance
Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants
  Evidence ˇ Études
651 Psychological outcomes following maternal serum screening: a cohort study, V. Goel, R. Glazier, A. Summers, S. Holzapfel [full text]
657 Prevalence of potentially reversible dementias and actual reversibility in a memory clinic cohort, S. Freter, H. Bergman, S. Gold, H. Chertkow, A.M. Clarfield [abstract / résumé]

  Editorials ˇ Éditoriaux
663 Maternal nutrition, pregnancy outcome and public health policy, M.S. Kramer [full text]
669 New variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and the blood supply: Is it time to face the music?, J. Hoey, A. Giulivi, A.M. Todkill [full text]
671 Is Canada falling behind international standards for stroke care?, A.M. Hakim, F. Silver, C. Hodgson [full text]

  Education ˇ Éducation
677 Using the ALPHA form in practice to assess antenatal psychosocial health, A.J. Reid, A. Biringer, J.D. Carroll, D. Midmer, L.M. Wilson, B. Chalmers, D.E. Stewart [full text]
685 Prostate cancer: 2. Natural history, R.K. Nam, M.A.S. Jewett, M.D. Krahn [full text]

  Experience ˇ Expérience
693 The moment of passing, C. Dewar [full text]

  Public health ˇ Santé publique
695 The return of the 100-day cough: resurgence of pertussis in the 1990s, T.W.S. Tam, A. Bentsi-Enchill [full text]
  Le retour de la toux de 100 jours : réapparition de la coqueluche dans les années 1990, T.W.S. Tam, A. Bentsi-Enchill [texte complet]

  Features ˇ Chroniques
697 Time's running out as physicians await Y2K fallout, A. Elash [full text / en bref]
702 Financial troubles abound for new US medical grads, M. Korcok [in brief / en bref]
705 Newfoundland angers its MDs by seeking medical help from armed forces, B. Ryan [full text / en bref]

709 On_the_Net@cma.ca ˇ Sur_le_Net@cma.ca
   Questions keep coming about CMA's OSLER service

  Pulse ˇ Médicogramme
740 Are men losing interest in medical careers? / La carrière en médecine perd-elle son attrait pour les hommes?

  Special Supplement ˇ Supplément spécial
  Stroke: costs, practices and the need for change

ISSN 0820-3946 159(6) 633-740 (1998)