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October 20, 1998 / le 20 octobre 1998

CMAJ 1998; 159(8)

© 1998 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

In this issue · Dans ce numéro

    Press release

Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef

Headlines and statistics indicate that verbal and physical violence against physicians is on the rise. This issue's cover story explains how physicians can prevent and manage violence (page 987).

910 News and analysis ˇ Nouvelles et analyses
917 Letters ˇ Correspondance
Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants
  Evidence ˇ Études
926 Coronary artery bypass grafting in Canada: hospital mortality rates, 1992–1995, W.A. Ghali, H. Quan, R. Brant [abstract / résumé]
931 Cost-effectiveness of low-molecular-weight heparin and unfractionated heparin in treatment of deep vein thrombosis, M. Rodger, C. Bredeson, P.S. Wells, J. Beck, B. Kearns, L.B. Huebsch [abstract / résumé]
942 Routine prenatal screening for HIV in a low-prevalence setting, D.M. Patrick, D.M. Money, J. Forbes, S.R.M. Dobson, M.L. Rekart, D.A. Cook, P.J. Middleton, D.R. Burdge [abstract / résumé]

  Editorials ˇ Éditoriaux
949 Practice variations, chance and quality of care, J.M. Brophy, L. Joseph [full text]
953 The CMA's Health Information Privacy Code: Does it go too far?, J. Hoey [full text]
955 Constraints of interest: lessons at the Hospital for Sick Children, R.A. Phillips, J. Hoey [full text]

  Education ˇ Éducation
960 Bioethics for clinicians: 17. Conflict of interest in research, education and patient care, T. Lemmens, P.A. Singer [full text / résumé]
968 Prostate cancer: 4. Screening, F. Meyer, Y. Fradet [full text]
973 New guidelines for the management of diabetes: a physician's guide, S. Harris, S.J. Meltzer, B. Zinman, on behalf of the Steering Committee for the Revision of the Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Diabetes in Canada [full text]

  Experience ˇ Expérience
979 Bearing witness, D.E. Haswell

  Public health ˇ Santé publique
981 Preparing for the flu season, National Advisory Committee on Immunization [full text]
Préparatifs en vue de la saison grippale, la Comité consultatif national de l'immunisation [texte complet]

  Features ˇ Chroniques
983 Legal issues surrounding privately funded research cause furore in Toronto, M. Shuchman [in brief / en bref]
987 Physician, protect thyself, B. Sibbald [full text / en bref]
990 Deinsurance worries help drive development of standards for psychotherapy, K. Cottrell
991 A Rock in a hard place, C. Gray [full text / en bref]

995 On_the_Net@cma.ca ˇ Sur_le_Net@cma.ca
   Email bug alert!

  Pulse ˇ Médicogramme
1064 Canada lags in public spending on health care / Les dépenses publiques consacrées à la santé : le Canada tire de l'arrière

  Special Supplement ˇ Supplément spécial
  1998 Clinical practice guidelines for the management of diabetes in Canada, Canadian Diabetes Association

ISSN 0820-3946 159(8) 901-1064 (1998)