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CMAJ - June 29, 1999JAMC - le 29 juin 1999

Fatal work-related farm injuries in Canada, 1991­1995

Table 1: Fatal work-related farm injuries in Canada from 1991 to 1995, by province

Province No. (and %)of deaths Annual age-standardized rate of death per 100 000 farm population Total farmpopulation, no. (and %)*

British Columbia 39  (7.8) 12.4 61 125  (7.0)
Alberta 66  (13.1)  7.5 177 175  (20.4)
Saskatchewan 80  (15.9)  9.7 159 725  (18.4)
Manitoba 48  (9.5) 12.1 79 605  (9.2)
Ontario 152  (30.2) 13.1 226 755  (26.1)
Quebec 90  (17.9) 15.7 128 375  (14.8)
Atlantic provinces 28  (5.6) 15.5 34 470  (4.0)
  New Brunswick 10  (2.0) –† 10 980  (1.3)
  Nova Scotia 12  (2.4) –† 12 770  (1.5)
  Prince Edward Island 6  (1.2) –† 8 675  (1.0)
  Newfoundland and
0   0 2 045  (0.2)

Canada 503  (100.0) 11.6 867 230  (100.0)

*Source: Agricultural Profile of Canada.13
†Too few deaths to estimate rate.

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