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CMAJ - June 29, 1999JAMC - le 29 juin 1999

Fatal work-related farm injuries in Canada, 1991­1995

Table 2: Fatal work-related farm injuries, by sex and age group

  Sex; no. (and %) of deaths Annual rate of death per 100 000 Total farm population, no. (and %)
Age group, yr Female  Male Total  

< 5 7 16 23  (4.6) 7.8 59 155  (6.8)
5–9 4 13 17  (3.4) 4.6 74 210  (8.6)
10–14 2  8 10  (2.0) 2.5 81 180  (9.4)
15–19  3 21 24  (4.8) 6.1 78 405  (9.0)
20–29  2 41 43  (8.6) 8.9 96 650  (11.1)
30–39  8 56 64  (12.7) 10.1 127 020  (14.6)
40–49  8 62 70  (13.9) 10.9 128 995  (14.9)
50–59  7 61 68  (13.5) 12.4 109  975  (12.7)
60–69  1 88 89  (17.7) 23.2 76 610  (8.8)
70–79  2 69 71  (14.1) 50.8 27 955  (3.2)
80  1 22 23  (4.6) 65.1 7 065  (0.8)

All 45 457 502*  (100.0) 11.6 867  220  (100.0)

*Age unknown in 1 case.

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