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CMAJ - February 23, 1999JAMC - le 23 février 1999

The cost of obesity in Canada

Table 2: Estimated direct costs of obesity and the selected comorbidities*
Comorbidity Expenditure category; cost, $ thousands  
Hospital care† Physician services Services of other health professionals Drugs‡ Other health care Health research Total cost, $ thousands Cost attributable to obesity, $ thousands§
Breast cancer, postmenopausal 92 821 31 926 3 963 44 350 37 513 6 817 217 390 19 782
Coronary artery disease 1 080 329 275 225 34 160 318 160 222 116 2 727 1 932 717 345 956
Colorectal cancer 239 787 57 247 7 105 38 565 66 141 15 724 424 569 19 955
Endometrial cancer 23 205 6 605 820 8 677 7 897 1 363 48 567 12 919
Gallbladder disease 262 992 128 805 15 987 147 510 105 628 5 544 666 466 137 292
Hyperlipidemia 126 339 NA NA 372 308 48 372 NA 547 019 61 266
Hypertension 97 977 265 317 75 655 1 071 137 567 629 NA 2 077 715 656 558
Pulmonary embolism 92 821 NA NA NA 35 538 NA 128 359 38 251
Stroke 2 036 897 77 063 9 565 318 160 394 872 909 2 837 466 106 943
Type 2 diabetes 304 245 128 805 36 729 190 896 155 974 17 996 834 645 423 165
Total 9 714 913 1 822 087
Note: NA = not available.
*Amounts are given in 1997 Canadian dollars.
†Includes cost of hospital drugs.
‡Excludes cost of hospital drugs.
§This cost was derived by multiplying the total cost for a given comorbidity by its respective PAF (Table 1).

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