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February 23, 1999 / le 23 février 1999

CMAJ 1999; 160(4)

© 1999 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

In this issue · Dans ce numéro

    Press release
    Highlights of this issue

Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef

Overeating contributes to obesity, which affects almost one-third of adult Canadians. This issue includes recommendations for the prevention and treatment of obesity (page 513), a cost analysis (page 483) and a call to action on this important health care issue (page 503).
Overeating and obesity

469 News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses
477 Letters · Correspondance
Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants
  Evidence · Études
483 The cost of obesity in Canada, C.L. Birmingham, J.L. Muller, A. Palepu, J.J. Spinelli, A.H. Anis [full text / résumé]
493 Candidemia at selected Canadian sites: results from the Fungal Disease Registry, 1992–1994, D.L.R. Yamamura, C. Rotstein, L.E. Nicolle, S. Ioannou, and the Fungal Disease Registry of the Canadian Infectious Disease Society [abstract / résumé]

  Editorials · Éditoriaux
503 Call for action: preventing and managing the expansive and expensive obesity epidemic, D.C.W. Lau [full text]
507 Science, sex and semantics: the firing of George Lundberg, J. Hoey, C.E. Caplan, T. Elmslie, K.M. Flegel, K.S. Joseph, A. Palepu, A.M. Todkill [full text]

  Education · Éducation
513 Periodic health examination, 1999 update: 1. Detection, prevention and treatment of obesity, J.D. Douketis, J.W. Feightner, J. Attia, W.F. Feldman, with the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care [full text / abstract]
513 Examen médical périodique, mise à jour de 1999 : 1. Détection, prévention et traitement de l'obésité, J.D. Douketis, J.W. Feightner, J. Attia, W.F. Feldman, en collaboration avec le Groupe d'étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs [texte complet / résumé]
528 Prostate cancer: 11. Alternative approaches and the future of treatment, J. Trachtenberg, J. Crook, I.F. Tannock [full text]

  Public Health · Santé publique
535 Bacterial contamination of blood components: Is it in the bag?, R. Slinger, A. Giulivi [full text]
  Contamination bactérienne des constituants sanguins : Est-ce dans le sac?, R. Slinger, A. Giulivi [texte complet]

537 The Left Atrium · De l'Oreille Gauche
  On_the_Net@cma.ca · Sur_le_Net@cma.ca
545 CMA Online opens a (virtual) doctors' lounge, P. Vaughan

  Features · Chroniques
547 The health care agenda hijacks "social union" talks, C. Gray [full text / in brief]
551 Storage of cord blood attracts private-sector interest, J. Hass [full text / in brief]
556 Solving stubborn-wound problem could save millions, team says, L. Swanson [full text / in brief]
557 Medical simulation is wave of the future, U of O doctors say, L. Cohen [full text]

  Heart and Soul · Gens de cœur
616 Delicious sounds from the Wild Strawberries, B. Sibbald [full text]