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CMAJ - February 23, 1999JAMC - le 23 février 1999

Periodic health examination, 1999 update:
1. Detection, prevention and treatment of obesity

Table 4: Studies of the effectiveness of surgical treatment of obesity
Study No. of patients (no. of women) Length of follow-up Patients lost to follow-up Intervention
Mean baseline weight or BMI Mean weight loss/gain at follow-up, kg Comments
Randomized controlled trials
Andersen et al73 57 (50) 5 yr 1 A: VLCD
B: LCD + gastroplasty
A: 115 kg
B: 120 kg
A: -26.8
B: -18.2
A: 21/30 patients regained most weight loss (within 1 kg of baseline weight)
B: 16/27 patients regained most weight loss (within 1 kg of baseline weight)
Hall et al74 310 (288) 3 yr 52 A: Gastric bypass
B: Gastro-
C: Gastro-
A: 110 kg
B: 112 kg
C: 115 kg
A: -17
B: -31
C: -39
66% of patients in group A, 44% in group B and 16% in group C had > 50% excess weight loss
Naslund et al75 57 (51) 2 yr 0 A: Gastric bypass
B: Gastro-
A: 117.7 kg
B: 117.8 kg
A: -42.9
B: -27.6
Lechner et al76 112 (NA)     A: Gastric bypass
B: Gastro-
A: 119.9 kg
B: 118.6 kg
A: -45.5
B: -28.8
Prospective cohort study
Ashley et al77 114 (96) 6–48 mo 5 Gastroplasty BMI 44.8 NA 31 of 47 patients followed up for 2 yr regained > 50% of lost weight

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