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CMAJ - March 9, 1999JAMC - le 9 mars 1999

Prostate cancer: 12. The economic burden

Table 1: Direct costs of selected diseases in Canada, 1993*

Disease or condition Estimated cost,
$ (and %)

Prostate cancer†    193  (0.3)
Breast and female genital cancers    329  (0.5)
All cancers  3 222  (4.5)
Birth defects    305  (0.4)
Diabetes    577  (0.8)
Infectious and parasitic diseases    787  (1.1)
Stroke  1 445  (2.0)
Coronary heart disease  2 075  (2.9)
All diseases 71 743  (100)

*Source: Moore and associates.3
†Estimate is based on the assumption that 6% of direct costs for all cancers is attributable to prostate cancer.

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