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CMAJ - April 20, 1999JAMC - le 20 avril 1999

Tuberculosis: 3. Epidemiology of the disease in Canada

Table 1: Cases of tuberculosis (TB) reported in Canada for various age groups, 1991–1995

Age group, yr No. (and %)
reported at death*
Total no.

 24 6   (0.3)  2 147
25–44 32   (1.0)  3 339
45–64 52   (2.5)  2 095
 65 139   (5.4)  2 557

Total 229   (2.3) 10 142†

*Percentages relate to the number of cases for each age group.
†Includes 4 cases that were not reported at death but for which the patient's age was unknown.

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