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CMAJ - April 20, 1999JAMC - le 20 avril 1999

Tuberculosis: 3. Epidemiology of the disease in Canada

Table 3: Reported cases and rates of TB in Canada for 1987 and 1995

Patient characteristic Year; no. of cases (and rate per 100 000 population)* Change in no. of cases from 1987 to 1995 (and % change in rate per 100 000)

1987 1995

Age, yr
4 69 (3.7) 91 (4.6) +22 (+24.3)
5–14 71 (1.9) 85 (2.1) +14 (+10.5)
15–24 215 (4.9) 229 (5.7) +14 (+16.5)
25–34 368 (7.5) 325 (6.6) –43 (–12.0)
35–44 246 (6.3) 314 (6.4) +68 (+1.6)
45–54 198 (7.5) 200 (5.4) +2 (–28.0)
55–64 265 (11.1) 209 (8.3) –56 (–25.2)
65–74 283 (16.3) 251 (12.0) –32 (–26.4)
75 257 (23.1) 225 (15.3) –32 (–33.8)
Male 1131 (8.6) 1043 (7.1) –88 (–17.4)
Female 841 (6.3) 886 (5.9) +45 (–6.3)
Ethnic origin
Status Indian† 283 (51.6) 264 (43.8) –19 (–15.1)
Foreign-born 686 (22.2) 1116 (20.4) +248 (–8.1)
Other Canadian 809 (3.2) 511 (1.7) –298 (–46.9)

Total 1972 (7.4) 1930 (6.5) –42 (–12.2)

*Age and sex were unknown for 1 patient in 1995; ethnic origin was unknown for 12 patients in 1987 and for 39 patients in 1995.
†Based on population projections for status Indians, 1991–2015 (1995 median growth projection).12

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