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CMAJ - January 11, 2000JAMC - le 11 janvier 2000

A quantitative ranking of Canada's research output of original human studies for the decade 1989 to 1998

Table 1: Distribution of articles of human studies published between Jan. 1, 1989, and Dec. 31, 1998, in MEDLARS, by country
Country Total no. (and %) of articles Country Annual change, % Country Total no. of articles per million capita*

United States 752 632 (31)     Germany +15 Sweden 4 602
Japan 127 334 (5) Spain +11 Finland 3 943
United Kingdom 122 708 (5) United Kingdom +9 Denmark 3 775
France  67 966 (3) Japan +8 Netherlands 2 995
Germany  66 349 (3) Australia +7 United States 2 872
Italy 65 771 (3) Switzerland +7 Switzerland 2 746
Canada  62 435 (3) France +7 Norway 2 375
Netherlands  45 756 (2) Italy +6 Canada 2 168
Sweden  40 065 (2) Netherlands +5 United Kingdom 2 111
Australia  35 046 (2) Canada +4 Australia 2 004
Spain  23 255 (1) Finland +4 France 1 180
Finland  19 949 (1) India +4 Italy 1 151
Denmark  19 590 (1) Norway +3 Japan 1 023
Switzerland  19 327 (1) United States +3 Germany   821
India  13 830 (1) Sweden +2 Spain   588
Norway  10 207 (0.4) Denmark -1 India    15

2 404 344     (100) Total
+1 Total

Note: MEDLARS = Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System (National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Md.), NA = not available.
*Based on 1993 population data from the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (apps.fao.org).

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