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CMAJ - June 13, 2000JAMC - le 13 juin 2000

We protest!

CMAJ 2000;162:1664

See response from: P. Sullivan
See also: Debate about our youngest doctor continues [Letter]
 Oldest at graduation R. Sender; J.B. Hunter [Letters]

You recently published an article regarding Paras Naik and reported that "at age 22 he will become the youngest Canadian to hold a medical degree" [News and Analysis].1

I wish to report that Pamela Veale graduated from the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine in 1993 at the age of 21. I am certain of these facts because I was a classmate of hers and am now her husband. By the way, another classmate of mine, Earl Campbell, obtained his MD at age 22.

Alan C. Tiessen
Calgary, Alta.

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  1. Sullivan P. Paras Naik, MD: how Scotland produced Canada's youngest physician. CMAJ 2000;162(6):870.

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