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Validity of utilization review tools
CMAJ 2000;163(10):1238[Letters in PDF]

See response from: N. Kalant, et al
I have 3 comments on the methodology used by Norman Kalant and associates in their article on utilization review tools [Research].1

First, the AEP (Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol) is an instrument to measure a hospital's operating efficiency with respect to acute patients, not specific clinical appropriateness. Consequently, I do not consider the lack of agreement between this tool and the judgement of a panel of experts to be remarkable: the AEP tool measures provision levels whereas the panel expressed a clinical opinion. Second, the quality of clinical documentation may dramatically influence the appropriateness of services; appropriateness tends to be underestimated in retrospective surveys. Lastly, the panel of experts seems to have based its judgement on a methodology that was only partially structured and that does not lend itself to standardization.

Aldo Mariotto
Health Community Service
Pordenone, Italy

  1. Kalant N, Berlinguet M, Diodati JG, Dragatakis L, Marcotte F. How valid are utilization review tools in assessing appropriate use of acute care beds? CMAJ 2000;162(13):1809-13.



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