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November 14, 2000 / le 14 novembre 2000

CMAJ  2000; 163(10)
Highlights of this issue
•  Editorial
•  Letters
•  Research
•  Commentary
•  Review
•  The Left Atrium
•  News and Analysis
•  Deaths
•  Heart & Soul
Blastomycosis in urban Toronto
Blastomycosis may be endemic in more regions of Canada than previously believed. In this issue, Robert Lester and colleagues report 2 cases of blastomycosis in urban Toronto (page 1309) and John Ross and Douglas Keeling describe a case in New Brunswick (page 1303).

  Editorial • Éditorial
1225 Politics and the common good
1227 La politique et le bien commun

1235 Letters • Correspondance [PDF]
Instructions to correspondents

  Research • Recherche
1247 Intervening to reduce weight gain in pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus in Cree communities: an evaluation
K. Gray-Donald, E. Robinson, A. Collier, K. David, L. Renaud, S. Rodrigues
1255 Discussions of "code status" on a family practice teaching ward: What barriers do family physicians face?
B. Calam, S. Far, R. Andrew
1263 Lipid screening to prevent coronary artery disease: a quantitative evaluation of evolving guidelines
S.A. Grover, M. Dorais, G. Paradis, J.G. Fodor, J.J. Frohlich, R. McPherson, et al

  Commentary • Commentaire
1273 Planning research for greater community involvement and long-term benefit
Special Working Group of the Cree Regional Child and Family Services Committee
1277 Screening colonoscopy: Is it time?
J.B. Simon
1278 Clinical practice guidelines and the translation of knowledge: the science of continuing medical education
D. Davis
1281 Do you relish interesting times? Call for applicants for the 2001 CMAJ Editorial Fellowship
A. Sinclair

  Review • Synthèse
1285 Rheumatology: 10. Joint replacement of the hip and knee — when to refer and what to expect
O.H. Brady, B.A. Masri, D.S. Garbuz, C.P. Duncan
1295 The primary care clinic as a setting for continuing medical education: program description
R. Pérez-Cuevas, H. Reyes, H. Guiscafré, N. Juárez-Díaz, M. Oviedo, S. Flores, et al
1303 Cutaneous blastomycosis in New Brunswick: case report
J.J. Ross, D.N. Keeling
1309 Novel cases of blastomycosis acquired in Toronto, Ontario
R.S. Lester, J.G. DeKoven, J. Kane, A.E. Simor, S. Krajden, R.C. Summerbell

1317 The Left Atrium • De l'Oreille Gauche [HTML / PDF]
  • The commission on the NHS book review by T. Sullivan
  • One thousand words
  • The salmon I.A. Cameron
  • It worked for me J.R. Stratton

1323 News and analysis • Nouvelles et analyses [PDF]

1411 Deaths • Nécrologie

  Heart & Soul • Gens de cœur
1412 "You are what you eat" becomes MD's credo
H. Kent

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