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May 15, 2001 / le 15 mai 2001

CMAJ  2001; 164(10)
Highlights of this issue
•  Editorial
•  Letters
•  Research
•  Commentary
•  Review
•  The Left Atrium
•  News
•  Deaths
•  Heart & Soul
Progress in vaccination coverage
In this issue, Colin Stevenson and colleagues assess progress in vaccination coverage and influenza outbreak management in Canadian long-term care facilities (page 1413), and Margaret Russell focuses on the situation in Albertan nursing homes (page 1423). Elizabeth Rea and Ross Upshur discuss the reasons why many health care providers do not get vaccinated (page 1447).

  Editorial • Éditorial
1397 Marijuana: federal smoke clears, a little
1399 Marijuana : la fumée se dissipe un peu à l'échelon fédéral

1405 Letters • Correspondance
Instructions to correspondents

  Research • Recherche
1413 Prevention of influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia in Canadian long-term care facilities: How are we doing?
C.G. Stevenson, M.A. McArthur, M. Naus, E. Abraham, A.J. McGeer
1423 Influenza vaccination in Alberta long-term care facilities
M.L. Russell
1431 A case study of hospital closure and centralization of coronary revascularization procedures
B.R. Hemmelgarn, W.A. Ghali, H. Quan
1439 Baseline staging tests in primary breast cancer: a practice guideline
R.E. Myers, M. Johnston, K. Pritchard, M. Levine, T. Oliver, and the Breast Cancer Disease Site Group of the Cancer Care Ontario Practice Guidelines Initiative

  Commentary • Commentaire
1447 Semmelweis revisited: the ethics of infection prevention among health care workers
E. Rea, R. Upshur
1449 Lifestyle drugs: issues for debate
J. Lexchin
1452 Neonatal subgaleal hemorrhage: diagnosis and management
D.J. Davis
1454 Chickenpox vaccination, not chickenpox, should be routine for Canadian children
B.J. Law

  Review • Synthèse
1459 Rheumatology: 13. Minimizing disability in patients with low-back pain
P.C. Wing

1471 The Left Atrium • De l'oreille gauche [HTML]
  • M.A. MacKenzie reviews Heather Robertson's Meeting Death [PDF]
  • G.H. Brieger reviews Gerald Hart's Asclepius [PDF]
  • Dalhousie medical students take an artful look at attention deficit [PDF]
  • R. Ruskin remembers a man in a johnny shirt [PDF]
  • Learning the hard way [PDF]

1477 News • Nouvelles
  • Cuba trains American medical students — to work in US [HTML / PDF]
  • Canadian MDs oppose US missile shield plan [HTML / PDF]
  • Global warming: dire warning [HTML / PDF]
  • Toxic-substance testing needs $50-million boost, report says [HTML / PDF]
  • Canada "behind eight ball" in fighting youth smoking [HTML / PDF]
  • Edmonton scoops foreign-trained nurses [HTML / PDF]
  • A cigarette pack that talks the talk [HTML / PDF]
  • Pulse: Prevalence of migraine headache in Canada [HTML / PDF]
  • Acute care revolution on way in Saskatchewan? [HTML / PDF]
  • New blood donor restrictions on visitors to France [HTML / PDF]
  • Will Bush's America draw doctors south? [HTML / PDF]
  • Queen's oncologist gives $3.8 million to alma mater [HTML / PDF]
  • On the Net: MDs' "No Nukes" movement moves online [HTML / PDF]
  • Canada ranks in middle in child-injury mortality rate, report indicates [HTML / PDF]
  • Nasal dilators have no impact in sport: Study [HTML / PDF]
  • Clinical Update: Varicella vaccine in clinical practice [HTML / PDF]
  • Public Health: Illiteracy as a public health issue [HTML / PDF]

1551 Deaths • Nécrologie

1552 Heart & Soul • Gens de cœur
Keeping it real at UBC
H. Kent

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