June 26, 2001 / le 26 juin 2001

CMAJ 2001:164(13)
Highlights of this issue
Editorial Éditorial |
1825 |
Canada's commitment to AIDS relief in Africa
[HTML / PDF] |
1827 |
Engagement du Canada à soulager le sida en Afrique
[HTML / PDF] |

1831 |
Letters Correspondance
Instructions to correspondents
- Uncertainty about clinical equipoise F. Rolleston
[HTML / PDF]; I. Shrier
[HTML / PDF]; response: D.L. Sackett
- The value of industry-sponsored studies of initial antihypertensive therapies J.J. Caro, K. Payne
[HTML / PDF]; response: J.M. Wright
- Lithotripsy comes to Ottawa ... at last J.E. Mahoney
- A time series would have been better C. van Walraven, A.J. Forster
Research Recherche |
1837 |
Preventive health care, 2001 update: Should women be routinely taught breast self-examination to screen for breast cancer?
N. Baxter, with the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care
[HTML / PDF] |
1847 |
Lower respiratory tract infections in Inuit infants on Baffin Island
A. Banerji, A. Bell, E.L. Mills, J. McDonald, K. Subbarao, G. Stark, N. Eynon, V.G. Loo
[HTML / PDF] |
Commentary Commentaire |
1851 |
Is it time to stop teaching breast self-examination?
L. Nekhlyudov, S.W. Fletcher
[HTML / PDF] |
1853 |
Creating a Canadian stroke system
E. Wilson, G. Taylor, S. Phillips, P.J. Stewart, G. Dickinson, V.R. Ramsden, R.W. Teasell, N. Mayo, J. Tu, S. Elson,
B. Strauss, on behalf of the Canadian
Stroke Systems Coalition
[HTML / PDF] |
1856 |
Changing course in electronic seas: rapid publication of brief recommendation statements by the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care
J.W. Feightner
[HTML / PDF] |
Changement de cap et navigation électronique : Publication accélérée des recommandations sommaires du Groupe d'étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs
J.W. Feightner
[HTML / PDF] |
1857 |
Antiretroviral therapy cannot be South Africa's first priority
D.J. Ncayiyana
[HTML / PDF] |
1859 |
Measured words: announcing the winners of the first CMAJ Essay Prize
A.M. Todkill
[HTML / PDF] |
Occasional Essays Réflexions |
1860 |
Osler vindicated: the ghost of Flexner laid to rest
A. Rae
[HTML / PDF] |
1862 |
Humanitarian aid and medical research: an illusion of dichotomy in international health
D.E. Roth
[HTML / PDF] |
Review Synthèse |
1868 |
Appropriate procedures for the safe handling and pathologic examination of technetium-99mlabelled specimens
T.J. Colgan, D. Booth, A. Hendler,
D. McCready
[HTML / PDF] |
1872 |
The Left Atrium De l'oreille gauche [HTML] |
- V. Hanlon reviews Ron Charach's poems in mid-air [PDF]
- Kerri Lambert struggles with transformation [PDF]
- I wish ... [PDF]
- Bedrest [PDF]
- Death-defying memories sustain a father lost in time [PDF]
- Creative convalescence [PDF]
1877 |
News Nouvelles |
- University "tainted" by tobacco money, BMJ editor resigns teaching post [HTML / PDF]
- Liver damage main reason drugs pulled from market [HTML / PDF]
- Female MDs face greater suicide risk: study [HTML / PDF]
- Use computerized systems to cut adverse drug events: report [HTML / PDF]
- Brain drain? Maybe not [HTML / PDF]
- Nurse practitioners may reduce FP burden in Nova Scotia [HTML / PDF]
- Hospital denies that withdrawal of MD's job offer was related to drug-company funding [HTML / PDF]
- This deal stinks, Russian surgeon complains [HTML / PDF]
On the Net: Assessing health technology assessment [HTML / PDF]
Caseloads may be responsible for regional differences in care: CIHI report [HTML / PDF]
Is Canada smoked out? [HTML / PDF]
Ontario's desperate need for rural MDs reason for new medical school [HTML / PDF]
Pulse: Injuries claim lives of many more boys than girls [HTML / PDF]
Clinical Update: Lifestyle changes can prevent the development of diabetes mellitus [HTML / PDF]
Preventive Health Care: Varicella vaccination [HTML / PDF] [Français]
Public Health: The health impact of crowd-control agents [HTML / PDF] |
1940 |
Heart & Soul Gens de cur |
Eighteen months, 12 suicides
H. Kent [HTML / PDF] |
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