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Albertans overestimate MDs' fees
An recent Angus Reid survey found that 90% of Albertans grossly overestimate the fee doctors are paid for a simple office visit. The survey found that the average estimate was $112, while the actual fee is $22.60. "We were truly astounded," said Dr. Clayne Steed, president of the Alberta Medical Association, which sponsored the survey. "The number [$112] is so extreme it takes your breath away." The survey questioned 800 Albertans about how much doctors earn for providing various services. The AMA is responding to misconceptions uncovered in the survey by producing a brochure listing the 50 most common medical procedures and the amount doctors are paid for each of them. The pamphlet will be distributed to Alberta doctors and made available to their patients as part of a province-wide education program. Specialists have also asked for posters outlining common procedures and fees. Steed said the survey results indicate that Albertans don't blame doctors for high health care costs. "They are assuming we are in step with [lawyers' and dentists' fees] and we're not. [Physician fees] have been the area where health care costs relative to services delivered have not gone up." Richard Cairney, Edmonton
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