February 6, 2001 / le 6 février 2001

CMAJ 2001; 164(3)
Highlights of this issue
Review |
The Left Atrium
Heart & Soul
How can a physician "read" the elements that underpin his or her clinical judgement? The elements might seem as intangible as the puffs of a smoke signal. In this issue, Donald Redelmeier and colleagues introduce a new series of articles to help physicians understand themselves, their patients and their environment (page 358). |
Editorial Éditorial |
317 |
A cure for miracles
[HTML / PDF] |
319 |
Une cure pour les miracles
[HTML / PDF] |

Research Recherche |
329 |
Predictors of mammography use among Canadian women aged 5069: findings from the 1996/97 National Population Health Survey
C.J. Maxwell, C.M. Bancej, J. Snider
[HTML / PDF] |
337 |
The effect of income pooling within a call group on rates of obstetric intervention
E.S. Bland, L.W. Oppenheimer, P. Holmes, Shi Wu Wen
[HTML / PDF] |
343 |
Devolution to democratic health authorities in Saskatchewan: an interim report
S.J. Lewis, D. Kouri, C.A. Estabrooks, H. Dickinson, J.J. Dutchak, J.I. Williams, C. Mustard, J. Hurley
[HTML / PDF] |
Commentary Commentaire |
351 |
Proof versus plausibility: rules of engagement for the struggle to evaluate alternative cancer therapies
L.J. Hoffer
[HTML / PDF] |
353 |
New insights into the physiology and pharmacology of vitamin C
S.J. Padayatty, M. Levine
[HTML / PDF] |
356 |
Past concerns and future roles for regional health boards
J. Lomas
[HTML / PDF] |
358 |
Problems for clinical judgement: introducing cognitive psychology as one more basic science
D.A. Redelmeier, L.E. Ferris, J.V. Tu, J.E. Hux, M.J. Schull
[HTML / PDF] |
Review Synthèse |
365 |
Environment and health: 8. Sustainable health care and emerging ethical responsibilities
A. Jameton, J. Pierce
[HTML / PDF] |
372 |
The fainting patient: value of the head-upright tilt-table test in adult patients with orthostatic intolerance
M. Lamarre-Cliche, J. Cusson
[HTML / PDF] |
377 |
Transfusion-transmitted malaria
in Canada
R. Slinger, A. Giulivi, M. Bodie-Collins, F. Hindieh, R. St. John, G. Sher, M. Goldman, M. Ricketts, K.C. Kain
[HTML / PDF] |
382 |
The Left Atrium De l'Oreille Gauche [HTML] |
- Secular trends (book review by A.M. Todkill) [PDF]
- A.J. Lupin performs a miracle [PDF]
- W.D. Gutowski detects one [PDF]
- J. Duffin ponders the meaning of another [PDF]
- One thousand words [PDF]
387 |
News Nouvelles |
- South Africa appeals to Canada to stop recruiting its MDs [HTML / PDF]
- Casinos bring ill fortune, psychiatrists warn [HTML / PDF]
- Many US MDs approve physician involvement in executions [HTML / PDF]
- New funding for chairs in women's health
- Oh bother: CMAJ's Pooh article reaches around the world [HTML / PDF]
- Albertans overestimate MDs' fees
- New needlestick law for US
- CF Medical Branch seeks new colonel commandant
Conference Report: Cardiovascular congress wrap-up
Winnipeg inquest recommendation could leave young MDs in lurch, expert warns
MD a "fascist" for leading antismoking drive
On the Net: Multilingual medicine in the global village
BMJ on PubMed Central
Canadian specialist joins elite US body
Pulse: Teen pregnancy rate down, abortion rate up
Manitoba increases med school enrolment in attempt to fight doctor deficit
Clinical Update: ASA or low-molecular-weight heparin in the initial management of acute ischemic stroke complicating atrial fibrillation?
Public Health: Inhalant use and addiction in Canada
[HTML / PDF] |
Heart & Soul Gens de cur |
448 |
Radiating a certain kindness in Montreal
S. Pinker
[HTML / PDF] |
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