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Cellphones and cancer?
CMAJ 2000;164(5):679[PDF]

A case-control study conducted in Germany has linked cellphones to cancer in humans (Epidemiology 2001;12[1]:7-12). Researchers at the University of Essen asked 118 people with uveal melanoma about their use of digital mobile phones. The responses were compared with those from members of a 475-person control group who did not have the disease.

The researchers found that the study participants with cancer had a much higher rate of cellphone use than the controls. Lead scientist Andreas Stang cautioned that the results need to be replicated.

Several previous studies have found no such link. One of them (Radiat Res 1999;151[5]:513-31) concluded that the association between radio-frequency radiation and cancer is "weak and inconsistent." — Barbara Sibbald, CMAJ



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