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Deaths • Nécrologie
CMAJ 2001;164(5):735

Atkinson, Peter I., Clarenville, Nfld.; University of Calcutta (India), 1945; MCFP. Died Oct. 15, 2000, aged 81; survived by his wife, Kay, and 2 children.

Battikha, Alain E., Chicoutimi (Qué.); Université de Bordeaux II (France), 1973; FRCSC; chirurgie générale; ancien chef du département de chirurgie du Complexe hospitalier de la Sagamie et de l'Hôpital de Chicoutimi. Décédé dans un accident d'auto le 12 août 2000, à l'âge de 55 ans.

Cloutier, Roland, Laval (Qué.); Université de Montréal, 1940; ophtalmologie; DABO, FRCSC; ancien chef du département d'ophtalmologie de l'Hôpital Notre-Dame et Université de Montréal. Décédé le 22 septembre 2000, à l'âge de 87 ans.

Deacon, Arthur S., Aurora, Ont.; University of Toronto, 1943; MCFP; coroner. Died Oct. 14, 2000, aged 81; survived by his wife, Nadine, and 4 children. During the first 30 years of his practice in Toronto he provided free medical services every Friday morning at the St. Michael's Hospital Outpatients Clinic and he also helped out at the university Health Service for students. His obituary stated: "[After 30 years in medicine] he bought a farm, learned to plow, seed and harvest, tend beef cattle and run a simple maple syrup operation. This also led to a new practice in general medicine in Uxbridge, Ont., for 17 more years."

Derome, André, Mont-Royal (Qué.); Université de Montréal, 1948; chirurgie orthopédique; FRCSC; ancien membre du personnel de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal; professeur agrégé de l'Université de Montréal. Décédé le 30 septembre 2000, à l'âge de 78 ans.

Dougan, Alfred A., Lennoxville, Que.; McGill University, 1942; anesthesia; former head, anesthesia, Sherbrooke Hospital; teaching staff, Université de Sherbrooke. Died Sept. 30, 2000, aged 83.

Froese, Gerhard J., Winnipeg; University of Manitoba, 1953; MCFP; former courtesy staff, Concordia Hospital. Died Sept. 26, 2000, aged 77; survived by his wife, Anne.

Halle, Jules, Québec; Université Laval, 1935; ophtalmologie; FRCSC; ancien adjoint en otho-rhino-laryngologie de l'Hôpital du St-Sacrement. Décédé le 3 septembre 2000, à l'âge de 92 ans.

Lachica, Juan M., Calgary; Dr. N. Reyes Medical Foundation, Manila (Philippines), 1960; MCFP; former staff, Holy Cross, Foothills and Rocky-view General hospitals; courtesy staff, Alberta Children's Provincial General Hospital. Died of cancer Oct. 13, 2000, aged 65; survived by his wife, Sandra, and 2 children. His obituary stated: "He was a dedicated physician who even during the time of his own illness continued to practise his profession. [The family thanks] Dr. Jiri Horsky for walking side by side with John through his battle as his physician and his friend."

Lee, Henry H., Hamilton, Ont.; University of Western Ontario, 1943; MCFP; RCAMC, WW II; former associate staff, St. Joseph's, Hamilton General and Chedoke-McMaster hospitals; director, student health services, McMaster University; physician, Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Police. Died Oct. 19, 2000, aged 84; survived by his wife, Dorothy, and 2 children.

Lichter, Michael, Côte-Saint-Luc, Que. McGill University, 1968; gastroenterology; ABIM, FRCPC; former chief of gastroenterology, Sir Mortimer B. Davis – Jewish General Hospital; associate professor, McGill University. Died Sept. 20, 2000, aged 56.

O'Sullivan, John L., Emo, Ont.; Cambridge University (England), 1955; former staff, Riverside Health Care Facility Inc. and Emo hospitals; physician, Underserviced Area Program, Ministry of Health. Died Sept. 20, 2000, aged 68. Early in his career he was the sole doctor for the residents in and around Emo. Clinic secretary Carolee Strachan told the Fort Frances Daily Bulletin: "We don't know how we're going to replace him. He was the clinic and hospital in Emo for many years."

Shore, Benjamin, Brampton, Ont.; McGill University, 1965; plastic surgery; FRCSC; former chief of staff, member of Board of Governors, president of medical staff and staff, Peel Memorial Hospital; staff, Ontario Crippled Children's Centre and Hugh MacMillan Medical Centre; courtesy staff, Mississauga and Credit Valley hospitals; consultant, Cosmetic Surgery Hospital. Died of cancer Oct. 6, 2000, aged 60; survived by his wife, Merelyn, and 2 sons. He founded the Division of Plastic Surgery at the Peel Memorial Hospital. His obituary stated: "Ben was a man who gave more of himself than he ever took."

Watt, James G., Toronto; University of Toronto, 1941; internal medicine; FACP, FRCPC; former director of hematology, Toronto Western Hospital. Died Sept. 28, 2000, aged 85; survived by his wife, Dorothy, and 3 children.

Wolstein, Edward, Ottawa; McGill University, 1932; ophthalmology; DOMS(Eng.); RCAMC, WW II; former senior ophthalmologist, Ottawa Civic Hospital; attending staff, Riverside Hospital. Died Sept. 23, 2000, aged 93; survived by his wife, Marion.

Yates, Douglas E., Surrey, BC; University of Toronto, 1951; general surgery; FACS, FRCSC; former staff, Penticton Regional Hospital. Died Sept. 20, 2000, aged 74.



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