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April 3, 2001 / le 3 avril 2001

CMAJ  2001; 164(7)
Highlights of this issue
•  Editorial
•  Letters
•  Research
•  Commentary
•  Review
•  The Left Atrium
•  News
•  Deaths
•  Heart & Soul
Inherited predisposition to cancer
About 5% of cases of breast cancer and 10% of cases of ovarian cancer are due to an inherited predisposition. In this issue, Lisa Di Prospero and colleagues explore how genetic testing affects people found to have a BRCA mutation and their families (page 1005).

  Editorial • Éditorial
957 Mental illness in my backyard
959 Maladie mentale dans ma cour

965 Letters • Correspondance
Instructions to correspondents

  Research • Recherche
975 Systematic overview of the evidence for brachytherapy in clinically localized prostate cancer
J. Crook, H. Lukka, L. Klotz, N. Bestic, M. Johnston, and the Genitourinary Cancer Disease Site Group of the Cancer Care Ontario Practice Guidelines Initiative
985 A randomized clinical trial of care for women with preterm labour: home management versus hospital management
C. Goulet, H. Gévry, M. Lemay, R.J. Gauthier, L. Lepage, W. Fraser, V. Polomeno
995 Prevalence of asthma symptoms among adults aged 20–44 years in Canada
J. Manfreda, M.R. Becklake, M.R. Sears, M. Chan-Yeung, H. Dimich-Ward, H.C. Siersted, P. Ernst, L. Sweet, L. Van Til, D.M. Bowie, N.R. Anthonisen, R.B. Tate
1005 Psychosocial issues following a positive result of genetic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations: findings from a focus group and a needs-assessment survey
L.S. Di Prospero, M. Seminsky, J. Honeyford, B. Doan, E. Franssen, W. Meschino, P. Chart, E. Warner

  Commentary • Commentaire
1011 Brachytherapy for prostate cancer: Effective, but ...?
J.C. Nickel
1013 Mental health and primary care
J. Arboleda-Flórez, B. Saraceno

  Review • Synthèse
1017 Cervical cancer: epidemiology, prevention and the role of human papillomavirus infection
E.L. Franco, E. Duarte-Franco, A. Ferenczy

1026 The Left Atrium • De l'oreille gauche [HTML]
  • High-dose narrative (book review by A. Sinclair) [PDF]
  • Anatomical modelling waxes and wanes (F. Mattatall and R. Rustige) [PDF]
  • S. Workman on learning to be a doctor [PDF]

1031 News • Nouvelles
  • Canada's Ebola scare over but questions just beginning [HTML / PDF]
  • Health policy analyst, economist CMA's new secretary general [HTML / PDF]
  • Hong Kong considers medical savings accounts [HTML / PDF]
  • Canada's 17th medical school to be in northern BC? [HTML / PDF]
  • Travel warning issued after polio outbreak in Dominican Republic, Haiti [HTML / PDF]
  • NS college develops withdrawal-of-services policy [HTML / PDF]
  • Getting the global picture of AIDS [HTML / PDF]
  • On the Net: A textbook case for online searching [HTML / PDF]
  • Emergency doctors, nurses prescribe cure for overcrowding [HTML / PDF]
  • CEO of Massachusetts Medical Society quits [HTML / PDF]
  • Alberta election brought Bill 11 back into public eye [HTML / PDF]
  • Pulse: Public ignorant about telemedicine, survey finds [HTML / PDF]
  • Clinical Update: Should methotrexate be added to prednisone therapy for temporal arteritis? [HTML / PDF]
  • Public Health: The weak connection between venous thromboembolism and air travel [HTML / PDF]

1111 Deaths • Nécrologie

Heart & Soul • Gens de cœur
1112 The rebuilding generation
L. Cohen

In this issue of the Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Newsletter:
Adverse drug reaction reporting — 2000: Part 1
Antiparkinsonian drugs and "sleep attacks"
Rofecoxib (Vioxx): a year in review
Drugs of current interest

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