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Deaths • Nécrologie
CMAJ 2001;164(8):1263

Beamish, Robert E., Winnipeg; University of Manitoba, 1942; MRCP(Lond.), FICA, FRCP(Eng.& Ed.), FACP, FACC, FCCP, FRCPC; RCAMC, WW II; former physician and cardiologist, Health Science Centre and Manitoba Clinic; professor emeritus, University of Manitoba and Brandon University; founding director, Manitoba Heart Foundation; vice-president, corporate planning and personnel, and medical director, Great-West Life Assurance Company; founding editor and former editor-in-chief, Canadian Journal of Cardiology; past president, Manitoba Medical Association; CMA Medal of Service; senior member, CMA; Order of Canada. Died Feb. 17, 2001, aged 84; survived by his wife, Mary, and 3 daughters. Colleague Philip Hall commented: "He was a wonderful character, deeply respected in the Prairie medical community." His obituary stated: "He recently pursued his interest in the history of medicine, culminating in the publication of Manitoba Medicine — A Brief History, which he coauthored with Dr. Ian Carr."

Beveridge, George, West Dover, NS; University of Edinburgh (Scotland), 1952; former staff, St. Thomas­Elgin General Hospital; physician, Ontario Police College. DiedNov. 29, 2000, aged 75; survived by his wife, Janice, and 4 daughters. His obituary stated: "A memorial service was provided by comrades from Branch 81 of the Royal Canadian Legion."

Brown, Roy P., Winnipeg; University of Manitoba, 1939; diagnostic radiology; FRCPC. Died Dec. 14, 2000, aged 85.

Cantin, Raymond M., Donnacona (Qué.); Université Laval, 1954; ancien directeur médical de Domtar-Donnacona. Décédé le 7 décembre 2000, à l'âge de 72 ans.

Edwards, William F., Victoria; University of Alberta, 1948; former pilot, Pathfinder Squadron, RCAF, WW II; general practitioner, Moose Jaw, Sask., and Vancouver; administrator, Department of National Health and Welfare, Victoria, Hong Kong. Died Dec. 18, 2000, aged 83; survived by a daughter.

Hawke, William A., Toronto; University of Toronto, 1930; neurology/psychiatry; FRCP(Lond.), MRCP, FRCPC; lieutenant-colonel, RCAMC, WW II; former staff and head, Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, Hospital for Sick Children; professor emeritus, Department of Pediatrics, University of Toronto; played instrumental role in establishing departments of social work, psychology and speech pathology at the Hospital for Sick Children; founding member, Ontario Association of Children with Learning Disabilities and the Ontario Crippled Children's Centre. Died Nov. 20, 2000, aged 94; survived by his son, Dr. William. His obituary stated: "Following his retirement from medicine this January he immersed himself in bridge and continually attempted to improve his bidding skills."

Hickerty, C. John, Edmonton; University of Manitoba, 1953; diagnostic radiology; FRCPC; former staff, Misericordia Hospital; clinical instructor, University of Alberta. Died Nov. 1, 2000, aged 74; survived by his wife, Dorothy, and 5 children.

Koladich, Stephen, Mississauga, Ont.; University of Toronto, 1958; psychiatry; FRCPC; former consultant, Mississauga Hospital and the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association. Died Nov. 12, 2000, aged 68; survived by his wife, Carol, and 3 sons.

Leitrants, Peter, Thunder Bay, Ont.; University of Toronto, 1979; gastroenterology; ABIM, FRCPC. Died Jan. 17, 2001, of amyopathic dermatomyositis, aged 47. Survived by his wife, Lisa, and 2 sons. Dr. Stuart Holtby remembered his colleague this way: "An avid hiker, insatiable reader, scuba diver, world traveller, inexpert equestrian, biblical scholar, hockey dad and sartorial disaster. Peter was struck by rheumatologic lightning in the fall of 2000 and succumbed to rapidly progressive pulmonary fibrosis despite very aggressive therapy. He will long be remembered in Northern Ontario for freely sharing his encyclopedic knowledge and for his quietly dependable opinions, his outrageous ties and the huge stack of reprints falling out of his briefcase. When he couldn't cure, he would try to help, and when that was failing, he would comfort. I do not know if we managed as much for him, but it wasn't for lack of a shining example. We keep listening for his shambling step in the halls of the McKellar Hospital, and every day it's a shock to realize he's gone."

MacMillan, James A., Miramichi, NB; McGill University, 1948; family practice; former staff, Newcastle Medical Clinic. Died Nov. 24, 2000, aged 77; survived by 4 children.

Marian, John J., Kelowna, BC; University of London (England), 1941; cardiovascular and thoracic surgery; MRCS(Eng.), LRCP(Lond.), FACS, FICS, FRCSC; former attending surgeon, University, Saskatoon City and St. Paul's hospitals; clinical associate professor, University of Saskatchewan. Died Sept. 15, 2000, aged 81.

Powell, Charles E., Thunder Bay, Ont.; University of Toronto, 1942; ophthalmology; Lake Superior Regiment, WW II. Died Nov. 20, 2000, aged 84; survived by 6 children.

Raynham, Frederick, Edmonton; University of London, 1949. Died Oct. 23, 2000, aged 81; survived by 2 sons.

Thiele, Isolde, Edmonton; University of Marburg (Germany), 1947; former staff, Alberta Hospital. Died May 11, 2000, aged 76.

Ward, Linda K., Vernon, BC; University of Alberta, 1972; former physician, Dome Petroleum. Died July 28, 2000, aged 56.



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