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April 17, 2001 / le 17 avril 2001

CMAJ  2001; 164(8)
Highlights of this issue
•  Editorial
•  Letters
•  Research
•  Commentary
•  Review
•  The Left Atrium
•  News
•  Deaths
•  Heart & Soul
Juggling cataract surgery waiting lists
With the demand for cataract surgery growing, health care workers are having to juggle several factors as they prioritize patients on waiting lists. In this issue, Lorne Bellan and Mathen Mathen describe the first Canadian provincial program for monitoring cataract surgery waiting lists and prioritizing patients (page 1177).

  Editorial • Éditorial
1117 With all due haste: fast tracking at CMAJ
1119 Avec toute la diligence qui s'impose : Le traitement accéléré au JAMC

1123 Letters • Correspondance
Instructions to correspondents

  Research • Recherche
1133 Waiting time for breast cancer surgery in Quebec
N.E. Mayo, S.C. Scott, N. Shen, J. Hanley, M.S. Goldberg, N. MacDonald
1139 Evaluation of a decision aid for patients considering autologous blood donation before open-heart surgery
F.C. Grant, A. Laupacis, A.M. O'Connor, F. Reubens, J. Robblee
  Research Letters • Exposés de recherche
1149 Low rate of adequate folic acid supplementation in well-educated women of high socioeconomic status attending a genetics clinic
L.E. Dawson, B. Pham, A.G.W. Hunter
1151 Cervical cancer: the increasing incidence of adenocarcinoma and adenosquamous carcinoma in younger women
S. Liu, R. Semenciw, Y. Mao

  Commentary • Commentaire
1157 The revised CONSORT statement: honing the cutting edge of the ramdomized controlled trial
S. Shapiro
1158 The rich–poor gap in global health research: challenges for Canada
V. Neufeld, S. MacLeod, P. Tugwell, D. Zakus, C. Zarowsky

  Review • Synthèse
1163 Bioethics for clinicians: 25. Teaching bioethics in the clinical setting
M.F. McKneally, P.A. Singer
1170 Problems for clinical judgement: 3. Thinking clearly in an emergency
M.J. Schull, L.E. Ferris, J.V. Tu, J.E. Hux, D.A. Redelmeier
1177 The Manitoba Cataract Waiting List Program
L. Bellan, M. Mathen
1182 Rheumatology: 12. Pain in the neck
I. Tsang

1189 The Left Atrium • De l'oreille gauche [HTML]
  • The king's garden (book review by S. Glouberman) [PDF]
  • B. Sibbald watches them vanish [PDF]
  • Inukshuk (poem by R.C. Dickson) [PDF]
  • S. Dutchyn changes hats [PDF]
  • One thousand words [PDF]

1194 News • Nouvelles
  • Family medicine loses its lustre as students "vote with feet" in 2001 residency match [HTML / PDF]
  • Chinese medicine now part of primary care scene in BC [HTML / PDF]
  • Bone of contention over surgical procedure [HTML / PDF]
  • Alberta investing $10 million to keep elite specialists [HTML / PDF]
  • Seven new inductees for Canadian Medical Hall of Fame [HTML / PDF]
  • US health system needs major overhaul: academy [HTML / PDF]
  • Pulse: Nfld., Sask. retain smallest proportion of postgraduate trainees [HTML / PDF]
  • One-quarter of South African adults now HIV positive [HTML / PDF]
  • US physicians shunning online communication with patients [HTML / PDF]
  • On the Net: What patients want from your Web site [HTML / PDF]
  • Hospital moves to assure public that autopsies respectful, legal [HTML / PDF]
  • Clinical Update: COX-2 inhibitors and gastrointestinal toxicity [HTML / PDF]
  • Public Health: The public health toll of endometriosis [HTML / PDF]

1263 Deaths • Nécrologie

1264 Heart & Soul • Gens de cœur
The white badge of courage
K. Kilpatrick

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