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July 10, 2001 / le 10 juillet 2001
CMAJ  2001:165(1)

The emergence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus has created new challenges for infection prevention and control services in health care facilities. In this issue, Andrew Simor and colleagues report on the first 5 years of a Canadian surveillance program (page 21) and Jan Verhoef describes the aggressive control measures used in Dutch hospitals (page 31).

Highlights of this issue


   •  Editorial
   •  Letters
   •  Research
   •  Commentary
   •  Review
   •  The Left Atrium
   •  News
   •  Deaths
   •  Heart & Soul





  Editorial • Éditorial
5 Global doubts
7 Le doute global

13 Letters • Correspondance
Instructions to correspondents
  • Acute muscle spasm — P. Rush [HTML / PDF]; N.L. Epstein [HTML / PDF]
  • Just a family doc — K.K. Sajjan [HTML / PDF]
  • Exploring the actions of vitamin C — U.N. Das [HTML / PDF]; response: S.J. Padayatty, M. Levine [HTML / PDF]
  • The abortion issue — P.G. Coffey [HTML / PDF]; W. Johnston [HTML / PDF]
  • No more eyeball jugglers, please — R. Shepherd [HTML / PDF]
  • The stethoscope as a postural aid — E.A. Petrie [HTML / PDF]
  • Improving the quality of discharge summaries — M. Sumi, et al [HTML / PDF]
  • Dysfunctional title — N.B. Hershfield [HTML / PDF]
  • A missing candidate — J.T. Fernando [HTML / PDF]

  Research • Rechèrche
21 The evolution of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Canadian hospitals: 5 years of national surveillance
A.E. Simor, M. Ofner-Agostini, E. Bryce, K. Green, A. McGeer, M. Mulvey, S. Paton, and the Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program, Health Canada
27 Availability of antidotes at acute care hospitals in Ontario
D.N. Juurlink, M.A. McGuigan, T.W. Paton, D.A. Redelmeier

  Commentary • Commentaire
31 Stopping short the spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
J. Verhoef
33 Hazards of systemic steroids for ventilator-dependent preterm infants: What would a parent want?
K.J. Barrington
35 Boundary crossing: the physician and the photojournalist
A.M. Todkill
  Occasional Essay • Réflexion
37 Hospital medicine in Cambodia: a visiting doctor's perspective
F.H. Pilsczek

  Review • Synthèse
45 Rheumatology: 15. Osteoporosis
J.P. Wade
51 Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: a summary of current scientific knowledge in relation to public health
M.B. Coulthart, N.R. Cashman
59 A policy analysis of major decisions relating to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and the blood supply
K. Wilson, P.C. Hébert, A. Laupacis, C. Dornan, M. Ricketts, N. Ahmad, I. Graham

68 The Left Atrium • De l'oreille gauche [HTML]
  • Liberty and limitation in public health (review by E. O'Neil) [PDF]
  • The documentary photography of Larry Towell (review by V. Tors) [PDF]
  • Poetry by Robert Dickson [PDF]
  • Erica Weir on pepper spray and civil disobedience [PDF]

73 News • Nouvelles
  • Psychiatrists try to bridge Middle East divide [HTML / PDF]
  • Even "minimally adequate" amounts of emergency antidotes missing from hospitals [HTML / PDF]
  • Conflict management system needed in ERs: jury [HTML / PDF]
  • Visit a refugee camp — in Canada [HTML / PDF]
  • Winnipeg clinic opens over minister's objections [HTML / PDF]
  • Is MD unemployment in Europe finally coming to an end? [HTML / PDF]
  • Taking it to the extreme in CMAJ [HTML / PDF]
  • Cloning in Canada? Don't hold your breath [HTML / PDF]
  • On the Net: Occupational health finds a home on the Net [HTML / PDF]
  • Planned Parenthood takes aim at some pregnancy-counselling centres [HTML / PDF]
  • Pulse: Anesthesia the sleeper in 2001 residency match [HTML / PDF]
  • Clinical Update: Glucosamine: A potential disease-modifying agent in osteoarthritis? [HTML / PDF]
  • Public Health: Drug-facilitated date rape [HTML / PDF]





  Heart & Soul • Gens de cœur
136 Passionately opposed to pesticides
S. Pinker

   Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Newsletter [HTML]
  • Drug advisories now available on the Web
  • Miconazole–warfarin interaction: increased INR
  • New toll-free numbers to report ADRs
  • Rosiglitazone (Avandia): hepatic, cardiac and hematological reactions
  • Adverse drug reaction reporting – 2000: Part 2
  • Communiqué
  • Drugs of Current Interest

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