Vol 4, No 1 (2009)

Table of Contents


Looking Forward PDF
Denise Koufogiannakis 1-2
Editorial Responsibilities PDF


Inquiring Informationists: A Qualitative Exploration of Our Role Abstract PDF
Rex R. Robison, Mary E. Ryan, I. Diane Cooper 4-16

Evidence Summaries

Female Public Library Patrons Value the Library for Services, Programs, and Technology Abstract PDF
Virginia Wilson 17-20
Access of Digitized Print Originals in U.S. and U.K. Higher Education Libraries Combined with Print Circulation Indicates Increased Usage of Traditional Forms of Reading Materials Abstract PDF
Kurt Blythe 21-23
Purchase of Journal Portfolios by Research Libraries is not Cost-Effective and May Lead to Normalization of Collections Abstract PDF
Stephanie Walker 24-28
Secondary School Teachers Don’t Have Time to Engage in the Most Important Aspects of Information Literacy Due to Curricular Pressures Abstract PDF
David Herron, Lotta Haglund 29-31
Online Programs and Geographic Proximity are Key Determinants of Information Professionals’ Interest in Pursuing Post-Master’s Education at the Doctoral Level Abstract PDF
Martha Ingrid Preddie 32-35
Thematic Categorization and Analysis of Peer Reviewed Articles in the LISA Database, 2004-2005 Abstract PDF
Carol Perryman 36-38
Undergraduate Students Perceive Reference Encounters to be Teaching and Learning Activities Abstract PDF
Megan von Isenburg 39-42


Systematic Reviews and Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Abstract PDF
Alison Brettle 43-50

EBL 101

Matching Question Types to Study Designs PDF
Virginia Wilson 51-52

Using Evidence in Practice

Patron Preferences for Folksonomy Tags: Research Findings When Both Hierarchial Subject Headings and Folksonomy Tags Are Used Abstract PDF
Elaine Peterson 53-56


Invitation to the 5th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice conference (EBLIP5) in Stockholm, Sweden PDF