Vol 1, No 1 (2006)

Table of Contents


Editorial PDF
Lindsay Glynn 1-2


Adding SPICE to a Library Intranet Site: A Recipe to Enhance Usability Abstract PDF
Lisa Cotter, Larnich Harije, Suzanne Lewis, Ingrid Tonnison 3-25
Employing Evidence: Does it Have a Job in Vocational Libraries? Abstract PDF
Cecily Martina, Bradley Jones 26-36
Name Authority Challenges for Indexing and Abstracting Databases Abstract PDF
Denise Beaubien Bennett, Priscilla Williams 37-57
Persuasive Evidence: Improving Customer Service through Evidence Based Librarianship Abstract PDF
Wendy Anne Abbott 58-68
Evidence-Based Marketing for Academic Librarians Abstract PDF
Yoo-Seong Song 69-80

Evidence Summaries

Editorial: Small steps forward through critical appraisal PDF
Denise Koufogiannakis 81-82
Undergraduate students do not understand some library jargon typically used in library instruction Abstract PDF
Lorie Andrea Kloda 83-85
Children’s input is vital to creating an online library that meets children’s information needs Abstract PDF
Susan Haigh 86-88
E-book trial using handheld devices yields mixed reactions from public library staff and users in Essex County, UK. Abstract PDF
Stephanie Jane Hall 89-91
The majority of library clients still use person-to-person interaction when asking reference questions Abstract PDF
Suzanne Pamela Lewis 92-95
Undergraduate and postgraduate students in a North American University are choosing to use chat reference services for all kinds of reasons Abstract PDF
Gill Needham 96-97
Use and access of grey literature in special libraries may be hindered by lack of visibility and cataloguing Abstract PDF
David Hook 98-100
Training may affect primary care staff access to the biomedical electronic evidence base Abstract PDF
Marcy L. Brown 101-103
The randomised controlled trial in medical research: using bibliometric methods to identify core journals Abstract PDF
John Loy 104-106
Evidence based research activities, interests and opportunities exist for practitioners in all library sectors in the British Isles Abstract PDF
Julie McKenna 107-109


Evidence based library and information practice: the time is now PDF
Joanne G. Marshall 110-111


3rd International EBL Conference - Abstracts of Papers and Poster Sessions PDF


4th International Conference on Evidence Based Library and Information Practice PDF
Joanne G. Marshall 136
EBLIG is up and running - jump on board! PDF
Virginia Wilson, Lyn Currie 137-138