ISSN: 1918-5901 (English) -- 1918-591X (Français)


2015: Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 53-69


Mythes modernes, propagande et communications publicitaires
de l’armée canadienne en 2010

Isabelle Gusse



The author captures Canadian government communication in light of the theoretical contributions of Jacques Ellul on 20th century modern myths and propaganda. Analyzing the images and their accompanying verbal comments of 26 videos posted on the website of the Canadian army, for the recruitment of young people between 18 and 34 years (2010), this paper presents a typology of the founding myths (Science, History, Progress) and related secondary myths (technical progress, efficient technician training and ideal career, realization of material happiness, siblings, higher values, exemplary hero, dream life, youth promised tomorrows). These myths support the idea that the military profession is a profession like any other, while hiding its warlike and deadly purpose. Constituent advertising communications largely financed and disseminated by the Conservative government of Stephen Harper, through the Ministry of National Defence, is pushing young Canadians to engage in the army, those myths ensure orthopraxic effectiveness of these communications, similar to recent propaganda.


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