Table of Contents

Main Section

Guest Editorial - Reflections on Student Support in Open and Distance Learning HTML PDF
Alan Tait Article 4.1.1
Challenges for Study Centers in an Electronic Age: A case study of the Center for Distance Education at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in Germany HTML PDF
Ulrich J. Bernath, Axel C. Kleinschmidt, Christine J. Waiti, Olaf Zawacki Article 4.1.2
Student Support in Open Learning: Sustaining the process HTML PDF
Christine Dearnley Article 4.1.3
Learner Support Services for Online Students: Scaffolding for success HTML PDF
Stacey Ludwig-hardman, Joanna C. Dunlap Article 4.1.4
Adults Contemplating University Study at a Distance: Issues, themes and concerns HTML PDF
Jenny Bird, Chris Morgan Article 4.1.5
Indicators of Support in Online Interaction HTML PDF
Patrick J. Fahy Article 4.1.6

Research Notes

Supporting Distance Students Using the Internet: A Brazilian Experience HTML PDF
Marialice De Moraes, Carolina Rodrigues Paz, Flavia Lumi Matuzawa, Patricia Jantsch
Is Enough Too Much? The dilemma for online distant learner supporters HTML PDF
Christopher K. Morgan, Anthony D. McKenzie
Bridges to Effective Learning Through Radio HTML PDF
Usha Chandar, Ramesh Sharma

Book Notes

Book Review - The Strategic Use of Learning Technologies. Editor: Elizabeth J. Burge HTML PDF
Wim Van Petegem
Book Review - The Costs of Open Learning: a handbook. Author: Thomas Hülsmann HTML PDF
Ricardo Vanella, Gabriella Milanese
African Virtual University: The case of Kenyatta University, Kenya. HTML PDF
Rashid Aderinoye
E-Moderating: The Key to Teaching and Learning Online HTML PDF
Dan Eastmond
Distance Learning Technologies: Issues, Trends and Opportunities HTML PDF
Chere Campbell Gibson
Telecentres: Case Studies and Key Issues HTML PDF
Rozhan M. Irdus
Libraries Without Walls 4: the delivery of library services to distant users HTML PDF
Harvey Gover
E-tivities: The Key to Active Online Learning HTML PDF
Mohamed Ally

Technical Notes

Videoconferencing in Theatre and Performance Studies HTML PDF
Mark Childs, Jay Dempster
Internet Audio Products (Update) HTML PDF
Jim Depow, Jim Klaas, Norine Wark
Integrated Course Delivery Packages HTML PDF
Judy Annis, Tracy Hensel, Patricia Lundstrom, Richard Jones
Whiteboard Products HTML PDF
Nolan Cox, Cindy Hoyme, Neil Martindale, Liz Murdoch