Table of Contents


Terry Anderson i-iii

Research Articles

Cultural dimensions of learning: Addressing the challenges of multicultural instruction HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Patrick Parrish, Jennifer Linder-VanBerschot 1-19
Unbundling faculty roles in online distance education programs HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Jan Tucker, Patricia Neely 20-32
Process-based assessment for professional learning in higher education: Perspectives on the student-teacher relationship HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Peter Bergström 33-48
The relationship between academic discipline and dialogic behavior in open university course forums HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Paul Gorsky, Avner Caspi, Avishai Antonovsky, Ina Blau, Asmahan Mansur 49-72
Length of online course and student satisfaction, perceived learning, and academic performance HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Janet M. Ferguson, Amy E. DeFelice 73-84

Field Notes

The challenges of implementing distance education in Uganda: A case study HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Gudula Naiga Basaza, Natalie B. Milman, Clayton R. Wright 85-91

Book Notes

Learning cultures in online education HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Nataly Tcherepashenets 92-96
Perspectives on distance education: Open schooling in the 21st century HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Ramesh Chander Sharma 97-99

Technical Notes

Thirty years of distance education: Personal reflections HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Terralyn McKee 100-109
Universal instructional design principles for Moodle HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Tanya Elias 110-124


Message interactions in online asynchronous discussions: The problem of being “too nice” ELLUMINATE/POWERPOINT/MP3
Geoffrey Roulet
Three generations of distance education pedagogy ELLUMINATE/POWERPOINT/MP3
Terry Anderson