Vol. 8 (1) (May 2013)

Island Studies Journal – ISSN: 1715 – 2593

Vol. 8, No. 1, May 2013


Pages 1 – 2:                Table of Contents

Scholarly Articles:

Special Section:  Reframing Islandness: Thinking with the Archipelago

Pages 3 – 8:               Guest Editorial Introduction: The Idea of the Archipelago: Contemplating Island Relations

          Elaine Stratford

          [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 9 – 24:              Island Movements:

                                  Thinking with the Archipelago -

                                  Jonathan Pugh

                                  [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 25 – 38:            Steaming between the Islands:

                                  Nineteenth-Century Maritime Networks and the Caribbean Archipelago -                                

    Anyaa Anim-Addo

                                  [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 39 – 54:            Stepping-Stones to the Edge:

                                  Artistic Expressions of Islandness in an Ocean of Islands -  

    Laurie Brinklow

                                  [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 55 – 66:            Reading the Planetary Archipelago of the Torres Strait -

    Elizabeth McMahon

                                  [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 67 – 83:            Tuvalu, Sovereignty and Climate Change: 

                                  Considering Fenua, the Archipelago and Emigration -                    

                                  Elaine Stratford, Carol Farbotko & Heather Lazrus

                                  [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 84 – 104:          Competing Notions of Diversity in Archipelago Tourism:

    Transport Logistics, Official Rhetoric and Inter-Island Rivalry in the Azores -

    Godfrey Baldacchino & Eduardo Costa Duarte Ferreira

                                  [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 105 – 114:        Archipelagic Pursuits:

    A Coming Together of Art Making and Sea Kayaking -

    Donald S. Lawrence

                                  [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Other Papers

Pages 115 – 130:         Medical Tourism in the Caribbean Islands: A Cure for Economies in Crisis? -

    John Connell

                                  [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 131 – 164:         Challenges of Productivity Growth in the Small Island States of Europe: 

     A Critical Look at Malta and Cyprus -

     Silvio J. Camilleri & Joseph Falzon

                                   [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 165 – 178:          A Story told through Plena:

     Claiming Identity and Cultural Autonomy in the Street Festivals of San Juan, Puerto Rico -

     Paulina Guerrero

                                   [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Book Reviews:

Pages 179 – 206:

European Integration and Postcolonial Sovereignty Games: The EU Overseas Countries and Territories by Rebecca Adler-Nissen and Ulrik Pram Gad (eds.). (reviewer: Paul K. Sutton)

Islands: From Atlantis to Zanzibar by Steven R. Fischer. (reviewers: Laurie Brinklow; Chris Perkins)

Isole. Coordinate geografiche e immaginazione letteraria [Islands. Geographic coordinates and literary imagination] by Nicoletta Brazzelli (ed.). (reviewer: Daniele Mezzana)

Un bruit pieux. Bandas, musique et fête dans un village maltais (Zabbar) by Giovanna Iacovazzi. (reviewer: Marcello Sorce Keller)

Insularité et développement durable [Insularity and Sustainable Development] by François Taglioni (ed.); La Corse et le développement durable [Corsica and Sustainable Development] by Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis (ed.); Le Québec des îles [The Islands of Quebec] by Lorraine Guay. (reviewer: Godfrey Baldacchino)

Sugar Heritage and Tourism in Transition by Lee Jolliffe (ed.). (reviewer: Paul F. Wilkinson)

The Big Truck That Went By: How the World Came to Save Haiti and Left Behind a Disaster by Jonathan M. Katz. (reviewer: Katarzyna Mika)

Worldwide. Archipels de la mondialisation. Archipiélagos de la globalización by Ottmar Ette & Gesine Müller (eds.). (reviewer: Norman Cheadle)

Art in Oceania: A New History by Peter Brunt & Nicholas Thomas (eds.). (reviewer: Thomas Malm)

Seas, Islands, Humanists by George Tolias & Jean-Luc Arnaud (eds.). (reviewer: Laura Cassi)

Island Environments in a Changing World by Lawrence R. Walker & Peter Bellingham. (reviewer: Ilan Kelman)


Copyright © 2013 Institute of Island Studies, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada.

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Island Studies Journal is, since June 2012, the journal of the International Small Islands Studies Association: http://isisa.maui.hawaii.edu/