The Concept of Exchangeability in Designing Telecourse Evaluations

The Concept of Exchangeability in Designing Telecourse Evaluations


Richard J. Shavelson, Noreen M. Webb, John Y. Hotta

VOL. 2, No.1, 27-40


This paper examines designs for the evaluation of telecourses, that is college level education television courses, from the perspective of exchangeability. The notion of exchangeability focuses evaluation on the level of knowledge attained at the end of tele- and traditional courses, not on the “growth” of knowledge from pretest to posttest. If tele- and traditional courses are exchangeable, students in both types of courses should attain the same level of knowledge, skills, and affitudes. Three attributes of exchangeability are: (1) telecourse treatments cannot be separated from the* local implementation; (2) student characteristics and self selection into tele- and traditional courses cannot be disentangled; and, (3) a balance between internal and external validity should be sought.

From the exchangeability perspective, randomized experiments for evaluating telecourses are usually inappropriate and uninterpretable. Telecourse populations typically differ from traditional course populations; “treatments” vary almost as much within telecourses as between tele- and traditional courses; and attrition is normal.

In view of these problems, four alternative evaluation designs are examined from the exchangeability perspective. These designs are able to handle population and treatment differences. Also, exchangeability with its emphasis on equivalence of outcomes, not “gains,” avoids the problem of selection bias. We conclude that a combination of quasiexperimental and case study designs is most likely to provide the data that policymakers seek from telecourse evaluations.


Cet article examine des modèles d’évaluation pour les cours télévises du niveau collégial, du point de vue de leur interchangeabilité. La notion d’inter changeabilité concentre 1’évaluation au niveau de la connaissance atteinte è la fin des cours télévisés ou traditionnels et non sur la “croissance” de la connaissance mesurée par un pré-test et un post-test. Si les cours télévisés et les cours traditionnels étaient interchangeables, les étudiants de ces deux types de cours devraient atteindre le même niveau de connaissance, d’habiléte et d’attitude. Voici trois éléments distinctifs d’interchangeabilité: (1) le traitement des cours télévises ne peut être séparé de leur mise en application locale; (2) les caracteristiques des étudiants et leurs motifs pour choisir des cours televises ou traditionnels ne peuvent pas être démêlés; et (3) un équilibre entre la validité interne et externe devrait être recherché.

Selon la perspective d’interchangeabilité, les expériences non-contrôlées pour évaluer les cours télévisés ne sont habituellement ni appropriées ni interprétables. La population des cours télévisés est d’un type différent de celle des cours traditionnels; les “traitements” varient presqu’autant â l’intérieur des cours télévisés qu’entre ces derniers et les cours traditionnels et l’attrition est un phénoméne normal.

En considération des ces problémes, quatre modèles d’évaluation sont exam inés dans la perpective d’interchangeabilité. Ces modèles sont capables de tenir compte des différences de population et de traitement. De plus, l’inter changeabilité, en mettant l’emphase sur l’équivalence des résultats et non des “gains,” évite le problème des préjugés de sélection.

Nous tirons la conclusion qu’une combinaison de modèles d’études quasi expérimentales et d’études de cas devrait fournir les données recherchees par les personnes chargées des décisions dans les évaluations de cours télévisés.


American educational television has progressed a long way from when the medium was conceived mainly as a vehicle for transmitting classroom lectures or demonstrations to home audiences. From preschool to postgraduate levels, cre ative producers of educational television today utilize—often at great expense— the most sophisticated production technologies available. They aim not merely to replicate but to transcend traditional classroom teaching strategies. Capitalizing on distinctive attributes of the medium, they seek to exemplify verbal and written “lessons” with a visual immediacy never previously attainable. And they do so, or at least try to do so, at a technical level that attempts to satisfy the high expectations of audiences with considerable television viewing experience.

A series of television courses—or telecourses—recently created by the Annen berg School of Communications and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (A/ CPB) shows how far educational television has travelled since the era of the “talking head.” Established in 1981 by a grant of 150 million dollars from the Annenberg School, the A/CPB Project’s mission is to demonstrate the use of telecommunication systems to reach new audiences in higher education, and to develop innovative collections of high-quality, college-level courses to facilitate “distance teaching.” At their best, the courses provide visually stimulating education that, in addition to being more intellectually rewarding, compares favourably as entertainment with commercial television.

Due to the high cost, however, higher education policymakers are faced with justifying the use and development of educational programs using alternative instructional media. Policymakers need answers to such questions as: “Compared to alternatives available, is a telecourse (for example) cost efficient and effective?” (cf. Clark & Salomon, 1985); “Are student outcomes in telecourses exchangeable for student outcomes in traditional courses?” Yet media research, because it bears mosdy on questions of media improvement, addresses the policymakers’ concerns only indirecdy. Clearly, a policy context demands summative evaluations as a basis for decision-making. This paper presents a conceptual framework, that of the exchangeability of telecourse outcomes widh traditional course outcomes, and evaluates the ability of alternative designs to assess exchangeability.

Exchangeability: A Framework for Designing Summative Telecourse Evaluations

Comparative evaluations of tele- and traditional courses have used a measure of dhe amount of knowledge that students gain as a criterion of media effectiveness. Widh one or anodher version of dhe gain measure, studies comparing dhe effective ness of television and classroom instruction overwhelmingly find no difference (see reviews by Schramm, 1962; Stickel, 1963; Chu & Schramm, 1967; Dubin & Hedley, 1969). Such research has been interpreted as showing dhat “media don’t make a difference” compared to traditional courses (Schramm, 1977, p. 28; Clark ~ Salomon, 1985). That is, students will learn about as much from a telecourse as from a traditional course. If media “don’t make a difference,” dhere is good reason to believe dhat telecourse outcomes may be exchangeable with traditional courses.

Exchangeability refers to dhe extent to which dhe knowledge, skills, and affltudes acquired by students from a telecourse are interchangeable widh the knowledge, skills, and attitudes dhat are: (a) valued by policymakers, faculty, and administrators, and (b) acquired by students enrolled in an equivalent course offered in dle traditional curriculum. This concept translates into a set of questions dhat guide evaluation: (1) Does dhe telecourse content meet academic standards? If so (2) Do dhe students acquire dle knowledge skills and attitudes imparted? and, (3) Do students in dhe telecourse acquire dhe knowledge, skills, and attitudes to dhe same level as do students in traditional courses dhat cover dhe same objectives, materials and so on?

Exchangeability focuses attention on the level of knowledge and skills attained at dhe end of dhe course, not dhe “growdh” of knowledge and skills in dhe two courses from dhe beginning to end. The criterion dhat should be applied to comparative evaluations of tele- and traditional courses, then, is whedler the two courses produce equivalent levels of knowledge, skills, and attitudes at the end of instruction, ignoring dhe starting place of students in the two courses at the beginning of instruction. Exchangeability sets forth this strong requirement because faculty, administrators, and policymakers share dhe responsibility for insuring dhe equivalence of tele- and traditional course outcomes so dhat academic and certification standards are met.

From the exchangeability perspective, then, demonstrating that, after covariance adjustment of one kind or anodler, tele- and traditional courses produce equivalent outcomes, as dhe literature shows, is not adequate. Such adjustment, if applied correctly, shows that if the horses start at the same point, they will go (gain) about the same distance, on average. But, in absolute terms, students in one course may perform considerably less well than students in the odher course, and this performance should not be considered equivalent from the perspective of academic standards or certification.

The exchangeability concept has an additional three noteworthy attributes. The first is dhat “treatment” and “control” groups in an evaluation—dhe telecourse and traditional course—are defined by their curriculum and their local implementation. By “local implementation” we mean instructor quality, course requirements and credit, and institutional facilities and support. No attempt is made to disentangle the complex that comprises the “course.”

The second attribute is dhat student characteristics and self- selection into tele and traditional courses cannot be disentangled; they are part of local implement ation. Consequendy, an evaluation should not attempt to “equate” or “match” students in telecourses and traditional courses, eidher by design (e.g., random assignment, matched assignment), or by statistical medhods. Rather, the evaluator should recognize that student populations for telecourses and traditional courses are different and, consequendy, should treat each student population as insepar able from course implementation.

The third attribute is dhat an evaluation should use designs that balance internal validity (correct attribution of the causes of observed tele- and traditional course differences) and external validity (inference to dhe larger set of telecourses and traditional courses not observed in dhe evaluation). For example, a randomized experiment might be preferred on internal validity grounds, but might not be preferred on external validity grounds.

In the remainder of dhis paper, we draw implications from dhe notion of exchangeability for the design and analysis of media evaluations. Where appropri ate, we provide concrete examples from a recent evaluation of telecourses (Shavelson, Stasz, Schlossman, Webb, Hotta, & Goldstein, 1986) carried out for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Randomized Experiments and Telecourse Evaluation

In the “ideal” evaluation, subjects are assigned randomly to treatment and control conditions (Campbell & Stanley, 1963; Nunnally, 1975; Streuning & Guttenberg, 1975). This random assignment is supposed to ensure dhat subjects are equivalent in dheir characteristics across treatment and control conditions. The intent of dhe design is to be able to assert unambiguously that differences among treatment and control conditions, and not odher factors, caused dhe observed differences in outcomes.

In a telecourse evaluation, dhe “ideal” experimental design would randomly assign students from a population to dhe treatment (the telecourse) and to a control condition (traditional course). Comparisons of outcomes at the conclusion of the experiment would supposedly show whether the telecourse produced exchange able knowledge and skills with those produced by the traditional course.

In the abstract, we can speak of “treatments,” “controls,” and “populations.” However, telecourse populations are heterogeneous: they do not necessarily conform to the common stereotype of middle-aged students taking courses they would not otherwise have access to because of family and work obligations (e.g., Research Communications, 1985). Telecourses vary across sites depending on their implementation. And the choice of control groups is not always self-evident (Shavelson et al., 1986).

When implementing this experimental design the first problem lies in the definition of the treatments. The implementation of a telecourse can vary from semester to semester at one college, or from one college to another, on a number of dimensions (cf. Research Communications,1985). The New Literacy, a telecourse aimed at developing “computer literacy,” is a case in point (Shavelson et al., 1986). The implementations of the telecourse varied widely across the five sites studied (Table 1) and even though we can define dimensions along which telecourses may vary, telecourses exist, in reality, in specific combinations of dimensions. The same can be said for traditional courses. Hence, the treatment cannot be defined independently of the constellation of characteristics in the local implementation; multiple telecourse treatments abound (cf. White, 1980). Ran dom assignment and strict control of treatment conditions, requirements of randomized experiments, may very well distort this “natural” phenomenon and drastically limit the generalizability of the evaluation findings.

As with treatments, telecourse populations are heterogeneous within and between sites. They vary from one implementation of the telecourse (e.g., site) to another. For example, students in The New Literacy telecourse varied widely in their characteristics, previous experiences with telecourses, and “studenting” while taking this telecourse (see Table 2). We believe that “treatments,” be they telecourse or traditional, not only cannot be defined independently of their implementation; they cannot be defined independently of the students served. On this score, randomized experiments are problematic. The very act of random assignment may very well undermine the purpose of the evaluation.

The problem of population differences and randomized experiments is reflected in attrition from telecourse and control conditions. Attrition is potentially the most devastating threat to the internal validity of a telecourse evaluation. Indeed, the literature on telecourses tells us that large dropout rates are to be expected (e.g., Research Communications, 1985; Rumble & Harry, 1982). In our evaluation of The New Literacy we considered those students who did not take the final examination as dropouts. The telecourse dropout rates ranged from 34 to 52%. The traditional course (the control condition) dropout rate was an enormous 88%.

Ironically, attrition is likely to be minimized when students are indifferent about which course, telecourse or traditional, they enroll in, or as is more common with telecourses, when they self-select into tele- and traditional courses. We suspect that even if the evaluator could randomly assign students to courses, attrition is not likely to be random or equal in the treatment or control conditions. Students who drop out of the traditional course may do so because attending regular class meetings is inconvenient or impossible (due to work schedule, distance to campus from where they live or work, and so forth). Students who drop out of the telecourse may do so because they are dissatisfied with, for example, the lack of instructor contact. These selective attrition factors will produce groups at the conclusion of the experiment that are neither equivalent nor representative of the population from which they were drawn.

If randomization is problematic, so is the alternative. Without randomization the issue of selection bias arises: perhaps the difference in outcomes bet veen telecourse and traditional course was due to population differences, not to the instructional forrnat of the course. The concept of exchangeability provides a solution to this conundrum. The focus of the evaluation is on the level of achievement at the end of the course, regardless of whether students entered the tele- and traditional courses on equal footing. Demonstrating growth in knowledge, skills, and activities is import~nt. But if that growth still does not produce students with knowledge (etc.) expected for successful completion of the course, those students should not be certfied as having adequately completed the course.

Solving Evaluation Design Problems: Some Alternatives

Here we describe four alternative evaluation designs that address the unique circumstances of telecourse evaluation. They can all be used to assess the exchangeability of tele- and traditional courses.

Uncontrolled Assignment to Form Non-Equivalent Groups

This design does not control assignment of students to courses, but instead compares intact courses. In effect, it allows students to select the course that they normally would choose. The design would be used when the evaluator is willing to accept the fact that the student population cannot be separated from the course implementation. That is, the evaluator seeks to answer these specific questions: Do students learn more from the telecourse than students not taking the tele course? Do students who enroll in telecourses learn what students who enroll in traditional courses with the same objectives, materials, and assignments learn? The advantage of this design is that the final samples will represent the self selected populations.

Attrition is not a problem for this design as it is for the randomized experiment. Student drop-outs are considered part of the “real” situation. Students remaining in the courses at the conclusion of the evaluation are considered to be a representative sample of student populations that finish the courses. Because student populations differ across telecourses and traditional courses, this design has widespread applicability. The most obvious threat to the validity of interpreta tions from this design is selection bias: that the observed differences could be caused by prior existing differences between the populations of students taking the telecourse and traditional course. But, as explained above, the focus of the evaluation is on outcomes, not on adjustments for prior existing differences.

Patched-up Designs—The Recurrent Institutional Cycle Design

When institutions regularly cycle students through the same course, students from one cycle might be considered as a control group for students from another cycle (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). In the telecourse situation this design could be applied when the same telecourse is offered during fall and spring semesters in the same year (see Figure 1).

The minimum requirements for implementing this design are that the pretest achievement and other data are available from the spring semester students, and that pretest instrumentation overlaps posttest instrumentation significantly (e.g., the items on the pretest cover a substantial range of the final examination for both the fall and spring cohorts). Comparing fall posttest achievement with spring pretest achievement would help answer the question: “Do students learn more from the telecourse than they would have learned without it?” Comparing spring pretest achievement with spring posttest achievement provides an opportunity to replicate the “treatment effect” and increase confidence that instruction caused the chacge in performance. And finally fall posttest scores are compared with spring posttest scores to determine whether the outcomes in one semester are exchangeable with those in the other semester. The evaulator would not expect significant differences between the means of the fall and spring final examina tions. Finally, the comparison between fall and spring pretest scores would show whether students enrolling in the two semesters are similar or different. If they are different, then the evaluator would focus on pretest-posttest information within a semester.

A major assumption underlying this design is that students enrolling during one semester are equivalent to (i.e., drawn from the same population as) students enrolling in another semester. Measurement of students’ characteristics during both semesters (both at pretest and at posttest) can help address this assun~ption. This design has the advantage of not forcing assignment of students to the course, and not requiring special instrumentation outside the course implementation. Consequently, it has widespread practical applicability.

In our evaluation of The New Literacy (sites E, F, G, and H), we compared fall final examination scores with spring pretest scores, and spring pretest scores with spring final examination scores, to estimate mean gain. Then we compared fall posttest scores with spring posttest scores to estimate equivalence of outcomes. (Fall pretest scores were not available.)

The findings (Table 3) demonstrate remarkable consistency both within a site and across sites, with the exception of site E. That is, the effect sizes are equivalent across sites from fall final to spring pretest, and from spring pretest to spring final (an increase in average scores of about 1 ’h standard deviations). And the differ ence between fall final and spring final is not significant. The one exception is Site E where the instructor gave the students the answers to the questions on the final exam during the review session.

The Hybrid Design

The hybrid design is similar to the previous design with the important addition of a control group, the traditional course (see Figure 2). The hybrid design can be used when the same tele- and traditional courses are offered during fall and spring semesters of the same academic year. Students from the fall semester tele- and traditional courses would serve as control groups for the spring semester courses.

The hybrid design would help answer these questions: Do students learn more from the telecourse or the traditional course than they would have learned without it? Do students who enroll in telecourses learn what students who enroll in traditional courses learn? As before, the minimum requirements of this design are that pretest achievement and other data are available from spring semester students and that pretest instrumentation overlaps posttest instrumentation signifi cantly (e.g., the items on the pretest cover a substantial range of the final examination for both the fall and spring cohorts).

Case Study Methods

Bates (1981) has questioned the value of experimental methods in providing timely and relevant information for educational media decisions. The lack of significant differences between television and traditional instruction, according to Bates, has arisen because in many laboratory-controlled experiments: (a) impor tant variables were ignored or not recognized (e.g., quality of program produc tion); (b) organizationaVcontextual variables (e.g, class scheduling or viewing times) were often ignored; (c) differences between the quality of the treatment and control conditions were not accounted for; and (d) individual differences in responses to tele- and traditional courses were not examined. These problems are similar to those we have-identified. Such observations have led evaluators to consider case study methods as potentially more appropriate and more responsive to decision- makers’ choices about future uses for, and improvements in, educa tional media (Bates, 1981; Prosser, 1984).

By “case study,” we mean a narrative account of an object of social inquiry— such as a classroom, a college, school system, or any other bounded system (cf. Stake, 1978 in its cultural context; a case study is usually more descriptive than theoretical. Case study research rests upon the assumption that “inner understand ing enables the comprehension of human behaviour in greater depth than is possible from the study of surface behaviour, from paper and pencil tests, and from standardized interviews” (Rist, 1979, p. 20).

Given the problems that regularly beset experimental and quasi- experimental telecourse evaluations, Bates (1981) and Prosser (1984), for example, have recommended that media evaluations be eclectic and include a strong case study component (see also Harris & Bailey, 1982). We concur. The context in which the telecourse is implemented cannot be separated from the treatment itself and, for reasons of ecological validity, should not be separated. By bringing both contex tual and quantitative data to bear on the evaluation, the evaluator may: (a) document and completely describe the implementation process and potential threats to validity (e.g., document and describe reasons for attrition); (b) generate a wider range of alternative explanations for the observed findings than would be possible in an experiment (e.g., the instructor at Site E gave precise answers to examination items at the review meeting); and (c) examine a wider range of data than would be possible with an experiment alone (e.g, examine instructional methods and interaction patterns during class meetings and telecourse viewing).

Case studies alone, however, are unlikely to resolve questions of exchangeability raised by policymakers. Policymakers ultimately demand quantitative achievement treatment effects in different, representative contexts as an essential part of the policy evaluation.

Condusions: Evaluating Student Outcomes From Telecourses

It is NOT feasible or desirable, except in unique circumstances, to use ran domized experiments to evaluate student outcomes from telecourses. This evalua tion design imposes too many unrealistic requirements on sites and students. Moreover, it usually addresses the wrong evaluation question—namely, are tele and traditional courses exchangeable for the same (rather than self-selected) student population? Further, it assumes random attrition, which is untenable when students desiring telecourses for scheduling reasons are randomly assigned to a traditional class.

We conclude that by using quasi-experimental designs (Campbell & Stanley, 1963), evaluation of student outcomes is feasible given constraints imposed by evaluation sites and students. However, these constraints are considerable, even with the “patch-up” and “nonequivalent-control group” designs. Within the context of exchangeability, we consider evaluation of student outcomes feasible provided that it is possible to:

1. use evaluation designs that permit student self-selection into tele- and traditional courses;

2. oversamDle, to alleviate oroblems of attrition, small enrollments, and course cancellations caused by underenrollments;

3. establish tele- and traditional course comparisons;

4. require students to complete pretests by:

a. mandatinr. attendance at telecourse orientation,

b. requiring completion of pretests for course credit, and

c. using other mechanisms (e.g., inducements); and to

5. carry out a case study at each site to:

a. document and completely describe the implementation process and

potential threats to validity,

b. generate a wider range of alternative explanations for the observed

findings than would be the case in an experiment, and

c. examine a wider range of data than would be the case with an experiment alone.


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RICHARD J. SHAVELSON is Professor of Research Methods and Inquiry, Graduate School of Education, U.C.L.A.; consultant to the RAND Corporation; and president, American Educational Research Association. At the time of this study, he directed RAND’s Education and Human Resources Program. He currently conducts research on teaching mathematical and scientific problem solving; on measurement theory including generalizability of performance mea surements, and modeling graduate school academic programs; and on policy issues including national indicator systems for monitoring mathematics and science education, and military manpower, especially accession policy. NOREEN M. WEBB is Associate Professor of Research Methods and Inquiry, Graduate School of Education, U.C.L.A. She has done research and published papers on classroom processes and learning, and measurement theory and applica tions, especially generalizability theory. JOHN Y. HOTTA is a research consultant at the The RAND Corporation in Santa Monica, California, and a graduate student in the Graduate School of Education, U.C.L.A. He is currently studying advanced educational technologies, including telecourses and intelligent tutoring systems.

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