Vol 11, No 2 (1996)

Table of Contents

Research Articles

Computer-supported Collaborative Problem-based Learning: HTML
Som Naidu, Mary Oliver 1-22
La planification stratégique de la formation à distance à l'ère de la téléinformatique HTML
Denis Haché 23-43
The Effectiveness of Traditional vs. Audiographics Delivery in Senior High Advanced Mathematics Course HTML
Walter Ryan 45-55
Issues in Project-based Distance Learning in Computer Science HTML
Patricia Fung 57-74
Improving Distance Education for University Students: Issues and Experiences of Students in Cities and Rural Areas HTML
Ken Purnell, Eve Cuskelly, Patrick Danaher 75-101
Destination 2000: Strategies for Managing Successful Distance Education Programs HTML
Don Olcott Jr. 103-115


Planifier pour changer ?: Ce commentaire fait suite au texte de Denis Haché: La planification stratégique de la formation à distance à l'ère de la téléinformatique, Vol. XI, no 2, 1996 HTML
Patrick Guillemet 117-120
Transforming Vision into Practice: A Reply to Don Olcott HTML
Vivian Rossner-Merrill 121-125

Book Reviews

Library Services to Distance Learners in the Commonwealth by Elizabeth F. Watson and Neela Jagannathan (Eds.) HTML
Chris Adams 135-138

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.