Cool stuff!
[in which the spring book releases
are discussed at length, with great glee, and we dish
up some extra-cool gear]
Kay Gardiner, Jillian Moreno, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
& Amy R Singer
Techniques with Theresa
[in which sleeves
and body are joined in blissful union]
Theresa Vinson Stenersen
Thinking beyond the
[in which Jenna tells you how
to get as far along as you need to]
Jenna Wilson
Watch this space
[will return next issue]
Larissa Brown
Knit like a man
[in which we -- finally! -- learn
what men really want]
David Demchuk
[in which we welcome Kristi Porter
back as a regular columnist with very irregular ideas]
Kristi Porter
History 101
[in which decaying relics show us from whence we came]
Julie Theaker
Silk is the Bomb[yx]
[in which little squeeny worms spit out the favorite
fiber of our editor, and how, too]
Michael Cook
Confessions of a reluctant
[in which a bunch of llamas help our author over the fibery
Shannah Clarke
Taken to the cleaners
[in which someone cleans up messes for a living tells
us how best to care for our soiled knits]
Tami J. Parks
Seduced by beads
[in which avowed bead-freak Sivia shares her secrets for
beading without tsuris]
Sivia Harding
Repairs 101
[in which we are shown how to fix the stuff that went
wrong after the knitting's done]
Kate Atherley
Judy's magic cast-on
for toe-up socks
[in which we finally learn a stable-yet-invisible cast
on that really works!]
Judy Becker
the column
[in which the plunge is taken and our
newbie spinner buys her first wheel]
Amy R Singer
Got spin?
[in which the differences in spindles
are spun out for your information]
Rebecca Hermen
dyeing for lazy color addicts
[in which a little steam and heat can do more than
just get the coffee sludge out of your cup]
Shannon Okey
Madge, a Knittyspin
Jillian Moreno