photo: Lise
Beauchesne |
Come on, baby --
show me the crocuses!
I love winter and snow.
I can't wait for spring to come.
Both of these statements are true. As much
as I'm going to hate shedding my
handknit layers, I'm going to love
Yes, my husband finds that I am a human contradiction,
But I think you know what I mean. The sacrifice
of the winter knitwear to the cupboard
until fall is a little melancholy,
but then you see the blue sky, feel the
sun on your skin and a warm breeze
and everything is okay.
If you look closely at my problem, it seems
it's all about one thing: I have
almost no transitional knitwear.
No lightweight handknit cardigans.
No [okay, one] handknit vests for layering.
Hmm. Maybe I should get browsing in
that magazine of mine and see what needs to be on my needles
No matter what the state of your closet, we've
got a little something in almost
every category, and all of it is
designed to help you get from the
cold to the warm without having to
forego the handknits.
Problem solved.

We've done some load testing and experimentation
since our winter issue went live [the first on our brand-new
server] and once again, extremities remain crossed for this
launch. If you were unable to get to us the moment we went
live this time, know that we'll continue to tweak our server
until it behaves the way we want it to.

People have been writing me for quite a while,
asking if they could send a financial
contribution directly to Knitty as
well, so I've put a Tip Jar on the
counter. Does it feel strange to do this? Um, yeah.
But I also know what it's like to be
on the other side -- wanting to show
your appreciation for something you
love in a tangible way.
If you'd like to support Knitty with a donation, here's what to do:
1. To use a Paypal account or a credit card, click
on the Send some love to Knitty! button
above. You'll be able to fill in the amount you wish to send and then complete
the transaction.
2. To send a check/cheque, payable to Knitty Magazine,
here's our address:
Knitty Magazine
2255b Queen Street East
Toronto ON
M4E 1G3
Because Knitty is not a charitable organization,
your donation is not tax deductible. Our donors names and e-mail addresses
are kept strictly confidential, but the Knitty editorial staff will know
you've donated and we all thank you for your support!

Keep in touch!
Want to know when the new issue
goes live, or if there's a new surprise?
Sign up for the free Knitty
reader list! The list is never shared with
anyone and we only send out a few
messages a year. We know our internet
To find out what's up with Knitty
on an average day, or on a big news day even, click
here to add the Knitty blog to your RSS reader.
If you use Twitter, you'll find Knitty's Twitter page here.
 Amy R Singer [editor, Knitty]
This issue, we're pleased to
add contests in the array
of things
you can find in the
world of Knitty.
There'll be
a new contest every issue...sometimes
the yarn for one of the projects
in this issue of Knitty!
For Spring 2009, The
Schaefer Yarn Company has
kindly agreed to give one lucky
knitter enough yarn to complete
the beautiful Reverie
beret pattern.
To be eligible, simply join
the Knitty reader mailing list
using the form below! If you're
already on the mailing list,
you're automatically entered! Knitty
list members can be assured
their e-mail addresses are
never shared, given or sold
to anyone, period.
One lucky list member, chosen
by a random number generator,
will win! Not you this time? We'll
have a contest every issue,
so join the list and you could
be our next winner!
This issue's lucky winner is
shown below. Congratulations,
Effika! We'll contact you by
e-mail to arrange your prize

Barnes wants to know
more about you and what you
want in a needle case or project
bag. Answer the short
questionnaire here and
you'll be entered into the
prize draw. Your responses
are anonymous and your e-mail
address is only collected so
that we may contact the prize
winner at the end of the contest.
One lucky respondent,
chosen by random number generator,
will win a $250 gift certificate
to use at Lexie
Barnes' webshop!
The contest
is now over. Thank you to everyone
who responded and congratulations
to our winner!
This issue's lucky winner
is shown below. Congratulations,
Rhiannon! We'll contact you
by e-mail to arrange your prize!



Here comes spring!
Even if you still
have snow on the ground like I
do, something in the air has shifted. I’m getting
out of the house more, blinking like a mole at all of the people
and bright shiny colors. It’s time for the new and the
big spring clear out.
I started a new little spinning group
in my neighborhood, once a week,
for as long as it lasts. Everyone
is hit by the economy in the US,
one way or another, and between that
and the winter, it’s easy to get down. Our group is spending
what we have -- time -- and sharing
what we know. We’re trading
fiber, splitting fiber buys and planning
spinning and knitting projects together.
We help each other figure ways to
manage the once in a longtime need,
or trip.
I traded a wheel with someone;
another couple of us have dream wheels
on layaway. But mostly we’re out
and we’re
together, laughing over the hum of
our wheels and the clicks of our
needles. It’s
good. It’s spring.
In response to feedback from new and
newish spinners for more basic
spinning information, we’ve
started a new column. Spinning
Glossary, in the amazing hands
and brain of Lee Juvan. Lee takes
a spinning term or topic and gives
a brief overview, great information
for newer spinners or spinners
who want a reminder. Lee's first
topic is Ratios.
Also Amy learns about spinning coffee
filters, really.

If you have an idea for a project or article
for Knittyspin write me . If you have fiber, spindles, books,
or other spinny products or tools
that you'd like us to review, write me for
submission information. I love to
talk about it all.
Have you seen the Knittyspin shwag? Check
out the new Knittyspin
gear. Show your spinning pride and your love for

Jillian Moreno [editor, Knittyspin] |