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Spacer Cool stuff!
[in which books are overflowing from the shelves and we share our lots of other cool stuff! ]

Spacer Mindful Knitting
[will return]

Spacer Stitches in Time
[in which we find babies in da hood!]

Spacer Techniques with Theresa
[in which crochet is further examined, and it doesn't hurt a bit]

Spacer Thinking Beyond the Pattern
[is on temporary hiatus]

Spacer Knitty's Yarn Roundtable™
[in which real knitters like you get their hands on yarn and tell us what they think of it]

Featured Articles

Spacer Round yarn in a square hole
[in which we learn one way to make crazy handyed yarns do what we want them to]

Spacer Wrong color?
[in which we learn how to make the yarn you've bought look more like the color you wish it was]
Robin Dodge


Knitty Spin
Spacer Cool spinning stuff
[in which we read books, watch DVDs and spin fiber!]

Spacer Fiber fiesta!
[in which spinners of all levels of experience get their hands on fiber, spin and knit it and tell you what the stuff is like]

Spacer Knittyspin, the column
[in which our columnist goes to the desert and learns why it's such a mecca for fiber folk...and what crazy fiber they've taken to spinning]

Spacer Spinner's Glossary - Ratios
[in we meet our newest columnist -- Lee Juvan -- who takes us through the circular world of ratios]

Spacer Pattern: Aeolian
[in which one designer knits three exquisite shawls, one of which is made of her lovely handspun]

Spacer Pattern: Ripple
[in which we watch our designer spin and change directions like mad]

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