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Also see 15.2 2012

Also see 15.3 2012



Extending the utility of artiodactyl postcrania for species-level identifications using multivariate morphometric analyses
PE Article Number: 15.1.1A

Edward Byrd Davis and Jonathan Jean-Michel Calède

Continuous 300,000-year fossil record: changes in the ornithofauna of Biśnik Cave, Poland
PE Article Number: 15.1.2A

Teresa Tomek, Zbigniew M. Bocheński, Paweł Sochal, and Krzysztof Stefaniak

Thecamoebian communities as proxies of seasonality in Lake Sadatal in the Ganga Yamuna Plains of North India
PE Article Number: 15.1.3A

Anjum Farooqui, Arun Kumar, and Graeme T. Swindles

Vasseuromys rambliensis sp. nov. (Gliridae, Mammalia) from the Ramblian (Lower Miocene) of the Tudela Formation (Ebro basin, Spain)
PE Article Number: 15.1.4A

Francisco J. Ruiz-Sánchez, Xabier Murelaga, Matthijs Freudenthal,
Juan C. Larrasoaña and Miguel Garcés

Equids from Emine-Bair-Khosar Cave (Crimea, Ukraine): co-occurrence of the stenonid Equus hydruntinus and the caballoid E. ferus latipes based on skull and postcranial remains
PE Article Number: 15.1.5A

Eline N. van Asperen, Krzysztof Stefaniak, Iurii Proskurnyak, and Bogdan Ridush

The effect of singletons and interval length on interpreting diversity trends from the palaeobotanical record
PE Article Number: 15.1.6A

Borja Cascales-Miñana and José Bienvenido Diez

Permian stromatolites associated with bivalve coquina beds - Angatuba, SP, Brazil (Teresina Formation, Paraná Basin)
PE Article Number: 15.1.7A

William Sallun Filho, Renato Pirani Ghilardi, Loreine Hermida Silva e Silva and Jorge Hachiro

Nesiotites rafelinensis sp. nov., the earliest shrew (Mammalia, Soricidae) from the Balearic Islands, Spain
PE Article Number: 15.1.8A

Juan Rofes, Pere Bover, Gloria Cuenca-Bescós, and Josep Antoni Alcover

Fauna and ecology of the holothurian bed, Llandrindod, Wales, UK (Darriwilian, Middle Ordovician), and the oldest articulated holothurian
PE Article Number 15.1.9A

Joseph P. Botting and Lucy A. Muir

Neoichnology of the desert scorpion Hadrurus arizonensis: burrows to biogenic cross lamination
PE Article Number 15.1.10A

Daniel I. Hembree, Lee M. Johnson, and Robert W. Tenwalde

A revision of the Devonian Malvinokaffric dalmanitid trilobite Dalmanitoides Delo, 1935,on the basis of new data from Argentina
PE Article Number 15.1.11A

Juan J. Rustán and N. Emilio Vaccari

Error rates and observer bias in dental microwear analysis using light microscopy
PE Article Number 15.1.12A

Matthew C. Mihlbachler, Brian L. Beatty, Angela Caldera-Siu, Doris Chan, and Richard Lee

Giant fossil soft-shelled turtles of North America
PE Article Number 15.1.13A

Natasha S. Vitek

Technical Articles

Acquisition of high resolution three-dimensional models using free, open-source, photogrammetric software
PE Article Number: 15.1.1T

Peter L. Falkingham

Idealized landmark-based geometric reconstructions of poorly preserved fossil material: A case study of an early tetrapod vertebra
PE Article Number: 15.1.2T

Julia L. Molnar, Stephanie E. Pierce, Jennifer A. Clack, and John R. Hutchinson

Methodology of the micro-computer tomography on foraminifera
PE Article Number: 15.1.3T

Ágnes Görög, Balázs Szinger, Emőke Tóth, János Viszkok

Commentaries and Reviews

New horizons for electronic paleontology: Forward in all directions
PE Commentary Number: 15.1.1E

P. David Polly

Paleontology in France: 200 years in the footsteps of Cuvier and Lamarck
PE Commentary Number: 15.1.2E

Thomas Servais, Pierre-Olivier Antoine, Taniel Danelian, Bertrand Lefebvre, and Brigitte Meyer-Berthaud

Ichnology: Organism-substrate interactions in space and time
PE Review Number: 15.1.1R

Reviewed by Mark A. Wilson